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Is it time to jump out the Investment Property window?

The window of opportunity for Investment Property in Perth and for that matter in Australia has potentially never been greater. Just about every property market in Australia may be around rock bottom. Unemployment is at a high. Interest rates are at record lows. Days on market for property sales are coming off high numbers.

It’s a terrible time to be selling property, but don’t confuse this with thinking it’s not a good time to be participating in the property market. There may be NO BETTER TIME than NOW to be buying property. Property prices and interest rates are so low at the moment that if you purchase the right property it will probably give you a positive cashflow after tax benefits. Given we are at the low end of the property cycle holding onto these properties means there is a fair bit of upside when the market turns. Imagine being able to own a $400,000 – $500,000 property that pays you to hold onto it and has a high probability of capital gains.

Astute Investors are buying Investment property now. In fact, here in Australia, we are seeing quite a lot of Foreign Investors flocking to our market buying up big. The future outlook of the country is unbelievable. Australia is coming off one of the biggest employment booms in the mining sector and undergoing a massive transformation into an export economy. As a country, we have negotiated some incredible trade agreements which will secure our primary producers for decades. We will be feeding and satisfying the thirst of the world with our produce which is a massive shift for our country.

Both spectrums of the political landscape are pivoting towards a technology and innovation future for Australia. As a nation, we are committed to World Class Education for our children and we are so good at it; we even export Education Delivery. As these initiatives take hold we will need a new workforce with very different skills to the ones we have today. Our population is growing. As a result, our infrastructure is burgeoning to capacity. These people need to live somewhere. Australia is in need of providers of good quality affordable housing. Are you ready to be a Property Investor? Are you ready to take that leap of faith?

If you are ready to jump, contact us and we can assist you with securing the right investment property.

Article By
Joseph Chamoun

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