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partners for life

MP+ Supports Hampers for the Homeless

It’s been our culture at McKinley Plowman to get involved and help the community in any way we can.

As part of our charitable drive, the MP+ team engaged in ‘Casual Dress Friday’ in exchange for a gold coin donation that went to a local charity, Truth Strength Freedom.

MP+ client, Sarah Campbell established Truth Strength Freedom in 2016 to bridge the gap in available services for those affected by domestic abuse, substance abuse, and mental health issues.

Last December, with the support of MP+ and other contributors, the foundation put together Christmas hampers for the homeless in Perth. The hampers contained the basic human needs such as food, water, and toiletries that have been missing or scarce.

Sarah and a volunteer walked around the city and surrounding areas to hand the hampers out to those in need, as well as offering some emotional support. Sarah recalls, “Many were surprised that we even stopped to talk, let alone come baring gifts. The gratitude truly was overwhelming.”

hampers for homeless

We at MP+ are more than grateful to have contributed to such a worthy cause. If you would like to know more about Truth Strength Freedom and support the foundation, please visit them here –

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