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Government Grants for SME’s

Creative Industries Can Obtain Grants of up to $20,000

The Australian Government’s Enterprise Connect Program has grant funds available for eligible businesses operating in creative industries, which include:

  • Design
  • Publishing
  • Writing
  • Architecture
  • Photography
  • Visual arts
  • Television/Radio
  • Advertising
  • Film
  • Performing arts
  • Music
  • Games
  • Interactive Content

Grants can help creative industry businesses improve their operations, productivity and competitiveness by funding professional business advisory and development services. To be eligible, businesses must be operating in the creative industry area and have filed Business Activity Statements (BAS) for at least three consecutive years. Applicants must also have a turnover of a minimum of $1M and a maximum of $100M. The first step in the process is a free business review undertaken by a contacted Enterprise Connect Business Advisor. From this review, a decision is made on the type of services that Enterprise Connect will financial support. An eligible entity can obtain funding on a 50/50 basis.

If you are interested in obtaining more details on the operations of Enterprise Connect, please contact us.

REMINDER: Export Market Development Grant

Export Market Development Grant applications for 2011/12 financial year must be lodged with Austrade by 30th November 2012.

If you are an exporter, please contact us for a review to determine your eligibility.

We greatly value our clients and are committed to honouring the trust they place in us by creating visible results for them. Get in touch to find out how we can help our clients maximise profits, minimise tax, and invest the balance for growth.

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