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Articles by Aaron McCracken

The Count Report Spring 2017 Edition

September 21st, 2017

Springtime traditionally marks the start of auction season with homeowners cleaning up their properties and listing for settlement before Christmas. So if you’re in the market to buy, what should you be looking for? In this edition, we discuss buying your dream home at any stage of life. If you’re considering retirement soon, what isread more

The Count Report Winter 2017 Edition

June 7th, 2017

With 30 June approaching, we have compiled ‘Your financial year checklist’ to take some of the headache out of preparing for tax time. ‘Understanding your super and pension statements’ also provides a breakdown of your statement – without the finance speak – so you can better understand how and where your money is invested. Andread more

Give your kids a home-buying boost

April 20th, 2017

Rising property prices have made it harder for young people to get into the property market than it was for previous generations. Here’s how you can lend your kids a helping hand – without necessarily having to put up all the cash yourself. Recent statistics show that just over half of 20–24 year olds andread more

NSW Senator on underwriting at the time of claim: “a serious problem”

March 27th, 2017

NSW National Party Senator, John Williams, who appeared before the Financial Services Council committee earlier this month, called underwriting at a time of claim “a serious problem”. “I think that is a really serious problem when families take out their direct insurance thinking that the family is covered.” said the statesman. His statement echoes the sameread more

The Count Report Autumn 2017 Edition

February 24th, 2017

In this 2017 Autumn edition of The Count Report, ‘What is? Investment terms explained’ looks at a few key terms that every investor should know, especially when you want to learn more but may not know where to begin. ‘Seven ways to get more out of retirement’ looks at how leaving the workforce is justread more

Welcome to the Summer edition of The Count Report

November 21st, 2016

This edition of The Count Report, ‘Make Today Count’ looks at your financial strategy. While it should be something you invest in for the long term, we suggest some small things you can do each day to help you achieve your goals sooner. We also look at recently proposed changes to super and tax rules andread more

Understanding Our Behaviour… Why We Make Terrible Investors!!

September 28th, 2015

Much of the economic, investment and financial theory is based on the underpinning that people act rationally.  However, a growing area of research has emerged in behavioural finance that shows rational behaviour doesn’t rule and unfortunately, is an impediment to us enjoying financial success. The following are 6 of the key insights into our behaviourread more

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