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Articles by Ben Hart

Developing a Small Business Marketing Budget

December 18th, 2020

Developing a marketing strategy for a business involves a lot of moving parts. You must have established goals (that are, or course, SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable; Realistic; Time-Bound); a reasonable understanding of the different types of marketing activities that businesses can undertake; and perhaps most valuable of all – you have to have the timeread more

COVID-19: Marketing Opportunities for Your Business

July 31st, 2020

Amongst the doom and gloom of our present economic and social circumstances, the more switched-on in the SME community are taking the glass-half-full approach to improving their businesses. Some marketing opportunities of days gone by may have passed, or been put on hold, but new ones are cropping up all over the place if youread more

McKinley Plowman in the News

June 19th, 2020

Have you been keeping your eye on the West Australian? Founding Director Nigel Plowman has recently been sought out for input on the WA business sector in the face of Coronavirus, including which businesses may struggle, which may thrive, and how to prepare for the end of JobKeeper. If you're yet to read the articles,read more

MP+ Newsletter March-April Edition – Out Now!

April 15th, 2020

Since our last bi-monthly newsletter, plenty has changed in the world. Coronavirus (COVID-19) has locked down much of the planet, forcing people out of jobs, causing businesses to shut down, and prompting a massive change to the way we work and interact with each other on a daily basis. The continuing COVID-19 situation poses newread more

Increasing Efficiency for your Small Business Marketing

October 31st, 2019

“I want to step up my marketing, but I don’t have time”. Sound familiar? So many business owners, particularly small business owners, understand the need for marketing and they know the value it brings, but simply don’t have enough hours in the day to get stuck into it. Creating content, designing posts, writing content, posting,read more

MP+ Newsletter September-October 2019

October 14th, 2019

Spring has sprung! As the weather warms up, businesses are looking forward to sunny days, increased consumer activity, and a happy and successful festive period. To kick-start the last quarter of the year, we've picked the brains of a few of our in-house specialists and penned some articles that we hope will bring about sustainedread more

Natalie Jones

July 29th, 2019

Since moving to WA from Victoria 10 years ago and with recommendation by a new work colleague on arrival, I was given the contact details for Jayne Turner. Jayne has done my tax returns for the past 10 years. I would like to thank her for her expertise and years of knowledge that shines throughread more

Published Content and Branding: Make the Most of Your Expertise

May 3rd, 2019

Engage clients and bringing in new business leads - savvy business owners have understood for some time that positive branding and strong online presence is necessary for growing their customer base. Increasing these opportunities often leads business owners down the well-trodden paths of traditional marketing tools such as TV and radio advertising, and more recently,read more

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