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Articles by Levi Both

Succession Planning – Building Your Business Legacy

May 24th, 2024

As a hardworking business owner, you understand that success doesn’t come easily – it’s earned through hard work, dedication, and relentless effort. So, when it’s time to step back from your business, how do you know it is in a position to continue to thrive? That’s where succession planning comes in… Succession Planning – What’sread more

Act Now: ATO Interest Charges Will Soon be Non-Deductible

March 13th, 2024

Do you have ATO interest charges hanging over you? Hoping to claim them as a tax deduction when you pay them off? If so, read on, because a recent Government announcement aims to put a stop to interest charge deductibility. Previously, general interest charge (GIC) and shortfall interest charge (SIC) could be claimed as aread more

Airbnb Tax Crackdown – Your Compliance Guide

November 21st, 2023

Are you one of the record number of Australians with Airbnb, Uber, or other sharing economy income? The ATO’s recent tax crackdown on the “side hustle” has seen data-matching ramped up to ensure compliance, with inflated deductions and omitted income firmly in their sights. With this increased level of scrutiny, how can you stay outread more

Starting a Business in Australia – A Quick Guide

October 13th, 2023

The allure of entrepreneurship is undeniable, and for many Australians, starting their own business is motivated by the pursuit of autonomy, escaping the 9-to-5 grind, and carving their own path. If you’re considering starting a business, you might be drawn in by the opportunity to purse a passion full-time. Even beyond these personal motivations, businessread more

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