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Articles by McKinley Plowman

Surprising Cap Change On After-Tax Super Contributions

May 14th, 2016

While many expected certain amendments in the current after-tax (non-concessional) contribution to super with the new Federal Budget, many were taken by surprise when Treasurer Scott Morrison introduced a lifetime cap of $500,000 on after-tax contributions in the 2016-2017 Budget. “We have long advocated for a lifetime rather than annual limit for non-concessional contributions. Whatread more

Is it time to jump out the Investment Property window?

May 10th, 2016

The window of opportunity for Investment Property in Perth and for that matter in Australia has potentially never been greater. Just about every property market in Australia may be around rock bottom. Unemployment is at a high. Interest rates are at record lows. Days on market for property sales are coming off high numbers. It’s aread more

How “Genuine” are your employees?

May 5th, 2016

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) has recently introduced legislation requiring companies to demonstrate the “genuineness” of a position. What this means in reality, is that the Department is scrutinising whether the nomination is “genuine” in circumstances where the nominated person from overseas is a family relation or personal associate of an ownerread more

Deductions on Training Courses for Employees

May 4th, 2016

One of the keys to a successful business is having a team of individuals who are proficient with the roles they are given. However, in order for the team members and the business to grow as whole, companies should provide their employees the opportunity to participate in training courses or seminars where they can expandread more

McKinley Plowman Tax Guide 2016/2017

May 4th, 2016

After Federal Treasurer, Mr Scott Morrison, handed down the Budget on 3 May 2016, the government is now setting out plans to ensure  that Australia continues to successfully transition from the mining investment boom to a stronger, more diversified new economy. As expected, the Budget covers an introduction of a 10-year enterprise tax plan, fixing problemsread more

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