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Articles by McKinley Plowman

PAYG Payment Summary Statement Reminder

August 12th, 2015

The Pay As You Go (PAYG) payment summary statement along with the originals of all the payment summaries you issued for the financial year make up your PAYG withholding annual report. Use this form by inserting the relevant financial year (this form can also be used for prior financial years). Once the form is completed,read more

How To Go BOOM! 5 Powerful Ways to Turn Your Business From Good to Great

August 12th, 2015

In the age of globalisation, technological advancement, supreme competition and an ever-evolving marketplace, being a ‘good’ business simply isn’t good enough. Customer satisfaction, the maximisation of profits and the ability to attract attention relies heavily on the values and strategies prepared by management, but are they being constructed to achieve the highest levels of success?read more

Tax Time – Friendly Reminder

August 4th, 2015

With 30 June well behind us it's time to collate your tax records to ensure ATO (Australian Taxation Office) deadlines are comfortably met. Although not yet due, there are advantages of preparing your tax return now, even if we don't lodge it straight away. The reason could be: To get your tax refund To budgetread more

MSI Update from McKinley Plowman – August 2015

August 1st, 2015

The members of MSI Global Alliance from New Zealand and Australia provide updates for this month of August. This  edition of the MSI Newsletter features tips on identifying the operational risks that are common to NFP service providers who are facing changes and  on how  manage these risks effectively. Also included in this issue areread more

Your Entitlement to a UK State Pension

July 16th, 2015

Have you worked in the UK? If you have you are probably eligible to receive the UK State Pension in retirement. However, recent changes to the rules will mean that expatriates that have paid insufficient National Insurance contributions (NICs) will miss out. From 6th April 2016 individuals that have paid less than 10 complete UKread more

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