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Articles by McKinley Plowman

Welcome to the Winter Edition of The Count Report

June 10th, 2015

June 2015 In this edition of the Count Report, our feature article, ‘Drive your wealth strategy this EOFY’, looks at nine simple but effective ways to fine tune your strategy before June 30. A common question that I often hear clients ask is whether to hold personal insurance inside or outside super. Getting it rightread more

MSI Quarterly Newsletter June 2015

June 1st, 2015

MSI provides updates from its members from Australia and New Zealand for the June 2015 Quarter. The Australia Federal Budget of 2015 brings about opportunities for small businesses. Tax relief plus the opportunity to possibly restructure are just a few of the many favourable changes the budget provides to stimulate small businesses, jobs and toread more

Whats in the Federal Budget for SMSFs?

May 28th, 2015

Fortunately nothing major with most of the changes having already been flagged by the media. Having said that there are a number of items that will impact some people which are not directly in relation to superannuation and we encourage you to read on... Social Security Income Test – Defined Benefit Pensions For individuals who areread more

ATO Audits – Are you at risk?

May 25th, 2015

With the end of another financial year nearly upon us and thoughts turning to our next income tax returns, it is timely to consider what factors may trigger an Australian Taxation Office (ATO) audit. In recent years, the ATO has implemented sophisticated data matching technology and is better equipped than ever before to scrutinise financialread more

Help Alec Blacklaw to Raise Awareness and Funds for Homelessness in Australia

May 21st, 2015

About 1 in every 200 Australians is experiencing homelessness every night. 17% of the overall homeless population are children under 12 years old. Domestic and family violence, relationship and family breakdowns, unemployment and drug and alcohol abuse are the most common reasons why people are experiencing homelessness. The experience of homelessness can trigger an aggravateread more

Superannuation Changes in the 2015/2016 Federal Budget

May 19th, 2015

The Federal Budget contains no detrimental changes to superannuation, as expected – in fact, there were only a few minor changes which are listed below. Federal Budget Proposals Social Security Income Test The social security income test for individuals in receipt of a defined benefit pension from superannuation will be amended with effect from 1read more

MPM Finance Can Show You How to Improve Cash Flow and Grow a Business with Invoice/Debtor Finance

May 15th, 2015

MPM Finance is showing business owners how competitive invoice/debtor financing can be used to improve cash flow and grow a business. Invoice/Debtor Finance – the facility which enables a business to realise the cash benefit of their sales without having to wait for debtors to pay – provides business owners with many advantages. While removingread more

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