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Articles by McKinley Plowman

UK Pension Update May 2015

May 5th, 2015

New Rules for Public Sector Pensions As at 6th April 2015 the UK Government enacted the Pensions Act 2015 which introduced massive change to UK based pensions, some of which may adversely affect individuals living abroad. The new rules dictate that individuals who have established benefits in a public sector defined benefit pension scheme willread more

McKinley Plowman welcomes Amanda Middleton

April 30th, 2015

This month we introduce Amanda Middleton, our Business Services Manager. Amanda's Background Amanda's professional background primarily consists of 7+ years of tax and business services experience in Australia and also 4 years’ experience with the Australian Taxation Office. She is a qualified Chartered Accountant with a Bachelor of Taxation from UNSW. Was born and raisedread more

Smart Super Strategies: Getting Started

April 28th, 2015

Superannuation can be one of the most effective ways to build you retirement nest egg. There is a range of strategies you can consider to boost your super savings. Consolidate your super If you've had several jobs since you started working, you may have money in more than one super fund. More than one superread more

Welcome to the Autumn edition of The Count Report

April 22nd, 2015

April 2015 In this edition of The Count Report, our feature article 'Rise as the dollar falls', we look at the recent performance of the Australian dollar and what it means to your investments. In 'Teaching kids the secrets of success', we share some tips to help your children and grandchildren become wealthy and more

The Status of the WA Real Estate Market

April 17th, 2015

According to the measurements of Westpac – Melbourne Institute, 2014 finished out with a record dive in consumer confidence in WA. Reiwa Market Update tags 2014 as a year of softening activity in Perth’s established housing market. House and multi-residential sales in Perth have slowed and listings have increased during the December quarter of more

Over 50 and Setting Up a Business?

April 14th, 2015

There is a noticeable increase in the number of people who are aged 50 and over who are now going into Business. There is an increase of the "Grey Entrepreneurs", the employee who is almost ready to retire or those looking for a new challenge for themselves and their family. There is a host ofread more

Every Detail Counts When Buying Your First Home

April 9th, 2015

In the article attached, you can find out what some of the industry experts say and explain why every single detail is important when buying your first home and that this is what first buyers should remember. Additional costs should be taken into account, such as furniture, insurance, moving expenses, settlement agent costs and stampread more

Is my business capable of being franchised?

April 7th, 2015

Recently one of our directors, Alec Blacklaw was invited to speak at a Specialist Franchise Seminar along with Mark Fernandez of BDA and Joe Lazzara of Borrello Legal. The attendees found that the key takeaways were an increased knowledge of what is involved in setting up as a Franchise while others learned about the keyread more

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