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Articles by McKinley Plowman

Growing Mo’s and Helping the Local Community

January 13th, 2014

Fundraising is a big deal to the Team at McKinley Plowman and we try to get involved and help the local community and national charity foundations raising money with our free dress days. In 2013 with the help of all staff, a huge amount of money was raised, along with gifts and food to helpread more

Don’t Pay More Fringe Benefits Tax Than You Must!

January 13th, 2014

Yet another FBT year comes to a close on 31 March 2014. Do you provide benefits to employees (including yourself and your spouse)? Not sure about that vehicle just purchased or the prized Ashes tickets you gave to your sales manager? Our experience is that many employers unwittingly provide Fringe Benefits. The ATO has advisedread more

2014 – The year to invest in property?

January 6th, 2014

Was one of your New Year's resolutions to start investing in property? The new year is a great time to review your financial goals, and if you’ve been talking about investing in property for a few years but haven’t yet taken the plunge, now is great time to take action. With interest rates still atread more

PPSR deadline is just around the corner. Register your security interests by 31 January 2014

December 19th, 2013

Time is fast running out to find and claim any registered security interests under the Personal Property Securities Register. Glen Giles of MSI Global Alliance firm Taylor Smart in Perth advises that it is essential to take action now to preserve your rights. For more information on the Personal Properties Security Register (PPSR) contact usread more

Think you may be paying too much on your loans and want to save money?

December 16th, 2013

Business Owners - Don’t let the banks dictate rates or terms to you. McKinley Plowman can help you, utilising our Competitive Tendering Process. Our Finance Specialists Paul Moran & Paul Tate have over 30 years experience in the finance industry, with Paul Moran working for one of the major banks as  a Business Relationship Manager. They areread more

The Buttery Cafe and Homewares, a New Addition to the Cafe Scene in Joondalup

December 3rd, 2013

The business opened 5 months ago and is run by Interior Designer, Aynsley Anderson with the help of her Chef-Barista daughter Lisa and IT Guru son Jason, The Buttery Cafe has gone from strength to strength since opening. Arriving from New Zealand two years ago with many successful businesses under their belt, the Andersons struggledread more

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