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Articles by McKinley Plowman

McKinley Plowman Newsletter – June 2013

June 21st, 2013

Click here to jump straight to the newsletter. Welcome to the June 2013 Newsletter! As we move towards the new financial year we have taken the opportunity to update you on some of the changes to business and personal income tax. Most notable is the increase in superannuation guarantee contributions to 9.25%, trust resolution changes,read more

Quick Tax Tips

June 21st, 2013

With the end of financial year fast approaching, here are some quick tips to help you save time and get more cash into your bank account. 1. Working from home - If you work from home, make sure you keep a diary of your internet usage and the hours you spend working. 2. Donations to aread more

End of Year Tax Planning Checklist

June 21st, 2013

Small Business Entity Rules Small Business Entities - the small business entity rules apply to a sole trader, partnership, company or trust which has a group turnover of less than $2M in the previous year, or likely to be less than $2M in the current year. Depreciation Rules - if the asset costs less than $6,500 itread more

State of the Economy

June 21st, 2013

The financial information tabled by the Federal government, as part of the presentation of the Australian budget, highlighted the difficulties that are being experienced in the Australian economy. The Treasurer indicated that, instead of a forecast surplus of $1B, the actual performance for the year ended 30/6/13 is now forecast to result in a deficitread more

Dollar Cost Averaging

June 21st, 2013

What is dollar cost averaging and how does it work? Dollar cost averaging refers to a process where an investor allocates set amounts to specific investments at regular intervals. This will often be undertaken intentionally, by investing a lump sum of money in smaller amounts over a period of time. Clients may also unintentionally participateread more

Avoid the Underinsurance Trend

June 21st, 2013

The day you’ve been waiting for has arrived. Your brand new car is ready to take home. The first thing you do before driving it out of the lot is ensure you have insurance. There’s no way you’ll risk anything happening to your brand new car! This is a common scenario. Most of us don’tread more

Loan Jargon

June 21st, 2013

The days when the only home loan available was a principal and interest arrangement paid by the month are long gone. Home buyers now face a bounty of borrowing options  and choosing the right on for your situation starts with understanding the different terminology. Here’s our guide to what all the loan labels mean.... VARIABLEread more

Fundraising, Food, & Fun MOCHA-TOFFEE PECAN BARS

June 21st, 2013

Here at McKinley Plowman we are actively engaged in fundraising for charity and the highlight of the calendar is the “Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea”. Many of our team are very talented cooks and create some delightful sweet and savoury treats. Even more of our team enjoy eating these treats and are only too willing toread more

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