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Interest in Advance – Property Investors
March 28th, 2013Interest - in - Advance (IOA) is a repayment option that offers fixed rate Investment Property Loan customers an interest rate discount for paying 12 months’ worth of interest up-front. Effectively bringing forward your next 12 months interest repayments to pay in one lump sum during the final week of this financial year. This amount canread more
Is your bank doing the right thing and looking after you?
March 28th, 2013Do you know you could save $$$ thousands on interest ?? Some banks want your business and are willing to discount rates and/or pay for switching costs to get it. MPM Finance Our finance division offers a comprehensive finance consultancy to business owners, Investors and Individuals. For example, we can initiate competitive tendering processes toread more
Borrowing to Purchase Property in Your SMSF
March 28th, 2013Property investing through your self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) can be a great way to create wealth for your retirement. By investing in property, you can diversify your super investments. Also, any income from the investment property, including capital gains, will be taxed at concessional rates, so you should end up saving money in the longread more
Schoolkids Bonus
March 28th, 2013The new SchoolKids Bonus, which replaces the Education Tax Refund, starts on 1 January 2013 and will be paid each January and July. The SchoolKids Bonus will be paid in two instalments, totalling $410 for each primary school child and $820 for each secondary school child per year. See your tax agent to find outread more
Changes to the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) Regime
March 28th, 2013From 1 July 2013 the SG rate will gradually increase each financial year until it reaches 12% in 2019. The first increment applies from 1 July 2013 when the SG rate increase from 9% to 9.25%. If you are an employer, we suggest you update your payroll and accounting systems to apply the appropriate increase toread more
Improving Business Performance
March 28th, 2013What you can do to improve business performance" Increase the number of enquiries Increase the number of conversions from enquiries to sales Increase the average value of sales Increase the number of times people buy from your business Increase the gross profit % For example (hypothetical business) Annual enquires 11,000 Conversion to customers 12.7% Numberread more
Fringe Benifits Tax (FBT)
March 28th, 2013Did you know that tax is payable on 'payments' to an employee that are made in a different form to salary or wages (non-cash benefits)? Common benefits include the provision of a company car, meals and entertainment, and expense payments on behalf of employees. This tax is referred to as Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT). Employersread more
Individuals – 30 June is Fast Approaching
March 28th, 2013The end of the financial year is fast approaching and it’s time to start planning to prepare for your 2013 Income Tax Return. Now is a good time to start thinking about your tax affairs. Some things you could look at are: Make sure you gather all your receipts to claim work-related expenses that exceedread more
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