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Articles by
McKinley Plowman Newsletter – October 2012
October 28th, 2012Click here to jump straight to the newsletter. Spring is one of the four temperate seasons, the transition time between winter and summer. Spring and 'springtime' refers to the season, and also to ideas of rebirth, renewal and regrowth. Our newsletter is all about ways in which we can assist you and your business inread more
Stick To Long-Term Investment Strategies
October 25th, 2012It is understandable that many investors are becoming disillusioned about investing in the share market. Particularly for those who have been investing over the last 5 years, it feels like one disappointment after another with returns continuing to disappoint. Even the most hardened investors could be forgiven for starting to question whether “investing for theread more
Company Director Penalty Regime – Important Changes
October 25th, 2012As from 29 June 2012 company directors may be subject to automatic personal liability with respect to unpaid PAYG withholding and superannuation guarantee obligations. The changes apply retrospectively from the date of commencement of the legislation and will: expand the director penalty regime to include superannuation guarantee charge amounts meaning that directors will also beread more
Company Loss ‘Carry-Back’ Scheme
October 25th, 2012Currently, businesses are able to carry forward tax losses to offset future taxable income and reduce future tax liabilities. Subject to meeting eligibility requirements, the new initiative will allow businesses to also carry back their tax losses to offset past taxable income and get a refund of income tax previously paid. The measures apply toread more
The Economic Scene
October 25th, 2012In the early months of the financial year, the economic scene is sluggish, with lower than normal economic growth, low inflation and a cut in interest rates. There are still major problems in certain business activities and locations around Australia. The key areas for small business operators to monitor are: Growth of the Economy (GDPread more
Fundraising, Food, & Fun
October 25th, 2012Fundraising We have been busy throughout the first part of the year with MP+ usual fundraising activities and pleased to announce that up to date we have helped with the following good causes such as Purple Bra, Australia's Biggest Morning Tea, Genes for Jeans day, Radio Lollipop and Footy Colours day. Thank you to allread more
Small Business – Big Risks
October 25th, 2012Protecting your growing business When you are a small business owner, your heart and soul goes into your business. It’s your baby. And there is a lot at stake both emotionally and financially. Business debts, running costs, employee wages – they all depend on your ability to keep working. Then there is your household expenses,read more
Buy Sell Agreements
October 25th, 2012Ask yourself this question... “If your business partner dies, what will happen to their share of the business? Who will inherit or take over their shareholding? How would I afford to buy their share?” In the absence of any specific arrangements the shareholding is likely to be dealt with in accordance with their Will, andread more
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