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Articles by McKinley Plowman

750BN Lost in Forgotten UK Workplace Pensions

October 25th, 2012

People who move jobs and migrated have unwittingly amassed billions in forgotten pensions. Britain is heading for a “lost pensions” crisis with an increasingly mobile workforce predicted to create a £757bn trail of dormant pensions that could deprive them of thousands of pounds in retirement. Employees normally leave any pension entitlement with their former companyread more

SMSF Trustees Must Consider Personal Insurance

October 25th, 2012

The government has now passed legislation that requires trustees of SMSF to consider whether insurance is required for the members of the fund as part of the investment strategy of the fund. The government's explanatory statement says that this change “will ensure that members consider their personal circumstances in regards to their need for insurance coverread more

Personal Property Security Act (PPSA)

October 25th, 2012

The Personal Property Securities Act (2009)1(PPSA) is new legislation that substantially changes the way security is taken over personal property. It applies to almost all forms of tangible and intangible personal property (e.g. boats, vehicles, machinery, inventory, contractual rights) except real estate and applies to everyone including small businesses and consumers. Manufacturing, wholesale and retailread more

Marketing/Sales Hints

October 25th, 2012

Co-operative Promotion  As a means of broadening your target market base and advising of the availability of products that you have for sale, have you considered negotiating with another organisation to sell their products for a commission? You may be able to do this as a value-add to the products that you are currently supplyingread more

Government Grants for SME’s

October 25th, 2012

Creative Industries Can Obtain Grants of up to $20,000 The Australian Government’s Enterprise Connect Program has grant funds available for eligible businesses operating in creative industries, which include: Design Publishing Writing Architecture Photography Visual arts Television/Radio Advertising Film Performing arts Music Games Interactive Content Grants can help creative industry businesses improve their operations, productivity andread more

MP+ Business Leadership Award 2012

October 25th, 2012

Joondalup Business Association Awards Night "An accounting firm which began its life when kangaroos were still bounding down the main street of what is now Joondalup’s thriving business precinct, has been honoured in the Edith Cowan University North West Metro Small Business Awards. Davidson Terrace firm McKinley Plowman was awarded the 2012 Business Leadership prizeread more

Tip of the Day

October 25th, 2012

The real estate market for investors is changing! When was the last time you reviewed the feasibility of acquiring an investment property? Strong population growth is causing low vacancy rates and higher rents. This, coupled with relativity low-interest rates, investing in property is becoming more affordable for many people. In completing a review of feasibility,read more

Boardroom Briefings

October 25th, 2012

The first in a series of Boardroom Briefings will be Maximising Business Value - What you need to know to accelerate your value and prepare your business to maximise its value. Come along and learn something new to give you the edge in business. It's also a great opportunity to meet other like-minded business owners, soread more

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