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Articles by McKinley Plowman

SMEs Look For Outside Help On Finances

September 21st, 2009

In this article from WA Business News, Adam Orlando interviews Nigel Plowman on McKinley Plowman’s new specialist division that outsources CFOs to a broad spectrum of businesses. Nigel explains how the division outsources CFOs to “businesses that are either undergoing changes, restructuring, or starting up” and that the service can be used to “implement productionread more

Slowdown Starts

September 1st, 2009

McKinley Plowman & Associates finance partner Paul Moran was invited to comment about the slowdown in applications for housing finance since the wind up of the $21,000 boosted first home buyers grant. Paul comments that the slowdown in first home buyer activity can also be attributed to stricter lending criteria which is making it harderread more

To The Rescue

August 16th, 2009

McKinley Plowman finance partner Paul Moran speaks with the Sunday Times’ Home Magazine about how parents and family members are helping their children get into the housing market through parent guarantee loans. High housing prices and strict lending criteria present big challenges for first home buyers trying to enter the market. Paul explains how guarantorread more

We Have Moved

August 15th, 2009

Thanks to you, our loyal clients, giving us your business and support, we at MP+ have outgrown our current office space. We have recently moved into a new state-of-the art purpose-built office which offers facilities for one-to-one consultations, training seminars and group meetings, which will allow us to work more more

McKinley Plowman Newsletter – August 2009

August 15th, 2009

Click here to download the newsletter. In this month’s issue… Cashflow is King! Flu Busters We’re moving to 5 Davidson Terrace Are you prepared for retirement? MP+’s top retirement mistakes and concerns Important notice: compulsory residual current devices (RCD) Tax office helps small businesses Changes to foreign employment exemption laws View your consolidated investment portfolioread more

Flexbility Key Issue

June 16th, 2009

The Sunday Times’ Home Magazine invites McKinley Plowman & Associates’ finance partner Paul Moran to comment on important considerations when deciding on a housing loan. Paul comments that while interest rates are a consideration, it’s essential to consider how flexible a financing facility is. Paul says when deciding on a housing loan, home buyers mustread more

To Invest, or Not To Invest

February 24th, 2009

To invest or not to invest?  McKinley Plowman director Nigel Plowman speaks to the West Australian real estate editor Sandi Lovatt about how astute investors are crunching the numbers and arranging their finances to pick up bargain priced property.  Nigel has shown clients how higher rents and lower interest rates ensure investors can break evenread more

Business Urged to Use Investment Tax Break

February 19th, 2009

McKinley Plowman & Associates director Nigel Plowman speaks to WA Business News about how business owners can benefit from the Temporary Investment Allowance (TIA). The allowance, announced as part of the Rudd’s Government’s fiscal stimulus program, aims to encourage business capital investment by providing an additional 30 per cent tax deduction for equipment bought beforeread more

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