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Articles by McKinley Plowman

True Cost

January 8th, 2009

What is the true cost of buying that investment property? Don’t buy one until you have crunched the numbers with your accountant.  This is the advice of McKinley Plowman director Nigel Plowman who spoke to the Sunday Times Home Magazine about how to calculate the true cost of a property investment. Read here to seeread more

Sun, Sea and Spending Sprees

January 5th, 2009

Do the prospect of government assisted spending sprees, payments to help with the kids schooling and a $21,000 gift to help you build your dream home sound appealing? McKinley Plowman and Associates director and recognised expert on transferring British pensions to Australia, Murray McKinley speaks to Australia & New Zealand Magazine about the many advantagesread more

Creature Comforts Big Driver for Staff

August 30th, 2008

Anyone for a round of golf or a session with a personal trainer? McKinley Plowman & Associates’ plans for an innovative new office building in Davidson Terrace, Joondalup received prominent coverage in the business pages of the West Australian newspaper. The newspaper published an article highlighting the building’s unique features – which include a 17read more

Boomtown Planner Shortage

March 1st, 2007

McKinley Plowman & Associates works hard to attract and retain quality team members who are committed to the financial success of our clients. The company’s endeavours to find and nurture exceptional financial planning professionals attracted the attention of the Financial Planner Magazine. Director Murray McKinley says the company, which is based in the northern suburb ofread more

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