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Articles by McKinley Plowman

In The Media – Ian Gath’s Interview with Jenny Seaton

August 22nd, 2018

Recently, McKinley Plowman's Head of Superannuation and Audit Ian Gath made another appearance in the media, this time having a chat with Jenny Seaton on Curtin FM's "Afternoons" show. In the interview he discusses the importance of drafting a comprehensive will, estate planning and other asset protection issues in situations of re-marriage (particularly after retirement).read more

The Benefits of Cloud Accounting

August 21st, 2018

As the world moves more and more online, businesses must keep up with the pace. Accounting and bookkeeping is no different, and it’s as important as ever to be able to look after your business in one place, with access for the people who need it, and secure data at all times. Many business ownersread more

Personal income tax rates for Australian residents (2018-2019)

August 2nd, 2018

There were some changes to personal income tax rates and thresholds in the 2018-2019 Federal Budget compared to 2017-2018. Notably, the old $87,000 tax threshold has been increased to $90,000; while the amount of tax on incomes for the highest two brackets have changed slightly. See the personal income tax rate tables below. [table id=4read more

Interdependent Relationships in Estate Planning

July 31st, 2018

Protecting family estates from hefty tax bills can be challenging, however there are little known concessions that can save beneficiaries tens of thousands of dollars in liability. Many people make the mistake of not fully accounting for the relationship between superannuation and estate planning when drafting their wills. Estates with large payments from a superannuationread more

In The Media – Ian Gath hits the airwaves on Michael Worthington’s show “In Conversation”

July 11th, 2018

Recently, our resident Superannuation Specialist Ian Gath was the special guest on Michael Worthington's "In Conversation" program. He discusses the current Superannuation landscape, Estate Planning, investment portfolios, and how his passion for Superannuation and Estate Planning has helped him establish himself as a leading professional in the field. Enjoy!  read more

McKinley Plowman Property Seminar – AUGUST 9th

July 5th, 2018

At McKinley Plowman, we’re always on the lookout for ways to help you reach your financial goals, both short and long-term. With that in mind, we’re hosting a property seminar on Thursday August 9, in conjunction with Performance Property Advisory. The goal of this seminar is to educate clients and encourage future wealth creation andread more

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