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Small Business Marketing on a Budget

July 10th, 2024

The bank account is looking a bit worse for wear, time is tight, and you need to really step up your business’ marketing to generate leads and grow your business. Sound familiar? There’s a cycle that many small businesses experience as they mature and develop – marketing takes time and money; but getting the cashflowread more

Should You Pay Down Debt or Increase Your Super Balance?

July 2nd, 2024

For Australians with a home loan, or other significant debt, to pay it down and watch your loan balance gradually reduce is a well-trodden path. So, too, is seeing your superannuation balance gradually increase as your employer makes contributions. But where does that leave us in 10, 20, 30+ years from now? Those with cashread more

WA Property Market Update June 2024

June 28th, 2024

As we review WA property market data from June 2024, the current landscape sees homeowners, renters, and investors alike encountering a dynamic scenario shaped by shifts in affordability, value, and economic pressures. A detailed look into both residential sales and rentals reveals how these factors are influencing the market, providing crucial insights for potential buyers,read more

2024 End of Financial Year Business Preparation

June 21st, 2024

At this time of year, we find ourselves having regular discussions with clients about best business practice for 2024 End of Financial Year preparations. This can include end of year payroll, transitioning to cloud-based software for the first time, changing software providers, or simply reviewing data file accuracy.  A proactive approach and mindset are keyread more

Protecting your Family’s Wealth

June 14th, 2024

Protecting your Family’s Wealth... We all care deeply about the health and prosperity of our family. Beyond material wealth, a thriving family is built on the pillars of physical well-being, strong relationships, and shared values. Ensuring future generations enjoy these benefits involves careful planning and the implementation of robust financial strategies. Understanding asset protection Whereread more

Finance Client – Charl V

June 4th, 2024

We trust Paul Tate to act on our behalf and work to achieve the best possible outcome for us. Contacting Paul is like contacting a trusted partner whom I know is always available, regardless the time of day. His professionalism and expertise is what makes us come back. We know much more is happening behindread more

How Investment Property Gives You Tax Back

June 4th, 2024

Sometimes, the path to financial independence can feel like a never-ending cycle of earning, saving, and spending, with tax time thrown in for good measure to add a few more hurdles. So how do you get out of the rut and realise the financial and lifestyle aspirations you have for yourself and your family? Investmentread more

7 Ways to Raise Business Capital

May 31st, 2024

One of the key reasons people start their own business is to earn more money, and have greater control over it, but raising capital to invest back into your business can be far easier said than done. Capital is the lifeblood of any business, essential for both starting up and scaling operations – and acquiringread more

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