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Urgent: Have You Applied for Your Director ID Yet?

February 7th, 2024

Back in 2021, we covered in an article the rollout of Director IDs by the Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS) – a measure intended to combat fraud and security issues in Australian businesses. Now we’re in 2024, the ABRS continues to engage with directors of companies that haven’t yet met their obligations – meaning ifread more

Does My Business Need to Pay Payroll Tax?

January 24th, 2024

As a business owner in Australia, navigating the complex landscape of taxes and employer obligations can be challenging, and payroll tax is no different. Legislative changes in mid-2023 means it’s as important as ever to stay informed and compliant with payroll tax laws, and understanding it is key. This includes knowing if your business isread more

New Div 296 Tax Legislation for Super Balances over $3m

November 27th, 2023

Is your super balance over, or approaching, $3 million? In October 2023, the Australian Government introduced draft Div 296 legislation aimed at reducing tax concessions for individuals whose total superannuation balance (TSB) exceeds $3 million. The policy consideration of this measure is to achieve a more equitable Australian Superannuation System, and this new measure isread more

Starting a Business in Australia – A Quick Guide

October 13th, 2023

The allure of entrepreneurship is undeniable, and for many Australians, starting their own business is motivated by the pursuit of autonomy, escaping the 9-to-5 grind, and carving their own path. If you’re considering starting a business, you might be drawn in by the opportunity to purse a passion full-time. Even beyond these personal motivations, businessread more

Audit Insurance: Protecting Businesses & Sophisticated Individuals

August 2nd, 2023

In today's ever-changing and complex compliance landscape, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has also become more vigilant over time and enhanced their data-matching capabilities to increase their scrutiny of financial records – meaning individuals & businesses of all sizes and shapes face a higher risk of being audited. To safeguard against the potential financial burdenread more

Commonwealth 25 Per Cent COVID Top-Up Payments

June 22nd, 2023

Did your business receive payments through a COVID-19 Business Support Program? Depending upon which grant you received, your business may now be eligible for a 25 per cent top-up payment. Claims for the COVID-19 top-up payments will be open until the end of 30 June 2023 – given this short turnaround time it is criticalread more

McKinley Plowman Federal Budget Update 2023-24

May 10th, 2023

The 2023-24 Federal Budget was handed down on Tuesday 9 May 2023 by Treasurer Jim Chalmers of the Albanese government. The budget will return to a $4 billion surplus this financial year, followed by a $13.9 billion deficit the following year. Treasury forecasts under this budget inflation will fall from 6% this year to 3.25%read more

The Benefits of Tax Planning for Your Bottom Line

March 29th, 2023

Tax Planning season is here! With 30 June fast approaching, now is the time to consider tax planning for your business. They say that if you fail to prepare, prepare to fail – or in this case, prepare to potentially deal with a hefty tax bill and disrupted cash flow! Getting a clear picture ofread more

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