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Business Development

5 Reasons Why You Need an Accountant for Your Business

July 6th, 2016

Entrepreneurs are often lauded for their "jack-of-all-trades" approach to starting their business - doing what they can themselves in the early stages to keep costs down and stamp their mark on their new business venture. One service in particular that is overlooked, however, is that of an accountant. Aside from needing someone to take careread more

Legislation Provides Small Businesses CGT Rollover Relief

June 16th, 2016

Since the release of a draft legislation late last year (November 2015), there have been talks about the amendment of this bill now allowing small business to change its legal structure without acquiring capital tax gains (CGT) liability. Now that the Tax Amendment has been passed, small businesses now have the flexibility to change asread more

Investing In Your Employee’s Wellbeing has Proven Returns For Your Business

May 13th, 2016

If you could make a small investment in your business that would have proven returns AND likely improve the well-being of your staff, would you make that investment? There is more and more evidence that shows that relatively small investments in the ergonomic knowledge of your employees and, to a lesser extent, the physical environmentread more

How “Genuine” are your employees?

May 5th, 2016

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) has recently introduced legislation requiring companies to demonstrate the “genuineness” of a position. What this means in reality, is that the Department is scrutinising whether the nomination is “genuine” in circumstances where the nominated person from overseas is a family relation or personal associate of an ownerread more

Deductions on Training Courses for Employees

May 4th, 2016

One of the keys to a successful business is having a team of individuals who are proficient with the roles they are given. However, in order for the team members and the business to grow as whole, companies should provide their employees the opportunity to participate in training courses or seminars where they can expandread more

Pilot or Passenger?

April 5th, 2016

Who’s flying the plane? Sitting on a plane on the way to our MSI conference is a great time for reflection. Noise cancelling headphones and a glass of red wine do assist in the reflective process. A discussion I often had with businesses I’ve worked with over the last 20 years (I’ve had the privilegeread more

Workplace Rehabilitation and How You Can Help

February 22nd, 2016

What is Workplace Rehabilitation? Workplace Rehabilitation is the process of providing guidance and support to an injured worker, to enable safe and timely return to work after an injury or illness. Receiving an injury in a work place can have a big impact on your life as a whole. Depending on the injury or illness itread more

Get the Jump on Your Competitors in 2016!

February 15th, 2016

2016 is now well underway and we are excited to be able offer our clients an opportunity to attend a very powerful and practical program to grow and develop their Business. One of our Directors, Alec Blacklaw, is relaunching the successful 3-day live in Business Improvement Program to show you how to take your goodread more

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