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Business Development

What I want for Christmas is… better cash flow!

December 21st, 2015

When you sit down this year as a business owner and wish for a great Christmas present what will it be? At this time of year, most businesses wish for more cash flow. Alec Blacklaw, our Business Improvement Director, shares a number of things you can do to improve the amount of cash you haveread more

How to Get Your Team Members Interested

December 7th, 2015

Alec Blacklaw shares feedback from the hundreds of Team Advisory Boards he has run for clients, with their team members, in nearly every industry. Lots of business owners will often say it’s hard to attract the right team members to their business in this ongoing war for talent. And then it’s even harder to getread more

Local Challenges Balanced by Global Opportunities

November 10th, 2015

As we move towards the Christmas period and the end of the calendar year many business owners will reflect on their performance. As you would imagine at McKinley Plowman we have the privilege of working with businesses of all sizes, phases of development and in different market and industry segments. In addition, our membership ofread more

What’s the Ideal Business Model?

November 4th, 2015

A very interesting article for business owners to consider or reconsider in the context of their current objectives and challenges. "There’s one question I have been asked literally hundreds and hundreds of times over the years by aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs – and that is ‘what’s the ideal business model?’ Of course, the realityread more

Want to Start Your Own Business? Join Us at the Franchise Opportunities Roadshow

October 8th, 2015

Future business owners, mark your calendars because on the 8th of November 2015, the Franchise Opportunities Roadshow gives you a chance to check your franchise choices and starting your own business. The Franchise Opportunities Roadshow offers FREE seminars from the experts and friendly professional and government services to give you guidance and suggestions for yourread more

Do you know your role and responsibility as a Director?

September 16th, 2015

A director of a company, as stated by ASIC,  is a person who is responsible for managing the company's business activities. ASIC has developed a guide in order for directors to fully understand their roles and responsibilities and the possible implications in cases when the director fails to carry out his duties. The guide containsread more

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