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Business Development

Business Clients – Improved Service

June 21st, 2013

In our March 2013 Newsletter we highlighted changes that we are making to improve our service to you. These included providing our business clients with a fixed quote before starting the year end work, offering more of our services free of charge (such as emails and advice over the phone), improving the turnaround time toread more

Improving Business Performance

March 28th, 2013

What you can do to improve business performance" Increase the number of enquiries Increase the number of conversions from enquiries to sales Increase the average value of sales Increase the number of times people buy from your business Increase the gross profit % For example (hypothetical business) Annual enquires 11,000 Conversion to customers 12.7% Numberread more

Changes To How We Look After You

March 28th, 2013

We listen very closely to all feedback provided by our valued clients. As a result, we are soon to implement some changes which will improve the way we look after you. Some of the changes include: Providing our business clients with a fixed quote before starting the year end work, offering more of our servicesread more

Small Business – Big Risks

October 25th, 2012

Protecting your growing business When you are a small business owner, your heart and soul goes into your business. It’s your baby. And there is a lot at stake both emotionally and financially. Business debts, running costs, employee wages – they all depend on your ability to keep working. Then there is your household expenses,read more

Buy Sell Agreements

October 25th, 2012

Ask yourself this question... “If your business partner dies, what will happen to their share of the business? Who will inherit or take over their shareholding? How would I afford to buy their share?” In the absence of any specific arrangements the shareholding is likely to be dealt with in accordance with their Will, andread more

We Wish to Thank You Very Much for All You Have Done

October 25th, 2012

Here at McKinley Plowman we greatly appreciate your feedback, whether it is good or bad. Below is the most recent client feedback we have received for Paul Moran. Graeme & Dana Wakeford - Owners Autobahn Midland Graeme and I wish to thank you very much for your hard work and effort for us in obtainingread more

Marketing/Sales Hints

October 25th, 2012

Co-operative Promotion  As a means of broadening your target market base and advising of the availability of products that you have for sale, have you considered negotiating with another organisation to sell their products for a commission? You may be able to do this as a value-add to the products that you are currently supplyingread more

Boardroom Briefings

October 25th, 2012

The first in a series of Boardroom Briefings will be Maximising Business Value - What you need to know to accelerate your value and prepare your business to maximise its value. Come along and learn something new to give you the edge in business. It's also a great opportunity to meet other like-minded business owners, soread more

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