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Business Development

WA’s Safe Transition Plan & Your Business

November 11th, 2021

At long last, it appears that WA has a concrete transition plan in place to open up travel borders in a safe and measured way. While this brings some certainty around what the future looks like, and roughly when we’ll be able to travel to and from WA, it does mean that individuals and businessesread more

Annual Wage Review – Final Stage

November 3rd, 2021

Earlier this year, we covered the 2.5% increase to the national minimum wage and all award wages (see the article here). The changes have been rolled out in three stages, and we’re already at the third! The increases announced as a result of the Annual Wage Review first came into effect on 1 July, withread more

Demystifying the Employee vs Contractor Confusion

September 3rd, 2021

Finding employment solutions for your business is a challenge - sourcing the right person, with appropriate experience, at a fair wage, isn't always easy. Furthermore, classifying your workers correctly as a contractor or employee may not always be clear when you're recruiting for a role, and is an area where many businesses have been caughtread more

Benchmarking – How Does my Business ‘Stack Up’?

July 27th, 2021

Have you ever wondered how your business ‘stacks up’ against similar businesses in your industry? What are all the other businesses doing that may be different to yours? What if there was a way you could measure the financial performance of your business on a regular basis? All of the above questions (and many more)read more

Casual Employee Conversion – The Details

April 29th, 2021

Casual employment serves many purposes within a workplace. For employees, it’s a good chance to work for a higher hourly rate (casual loading) and potentially work for a variety of employers concurrently. For employers, upshots include the fact that there is no requirement to accrue leave entitlements for casual employees, and that such employees canread more

Deal Execution – Maximising Success in Business Acquisitions

April 15th, 2021

In our previous articles for Incisive Due Diligence (focusing on the business acquisition space) we’ve covered some of the important phases and factors involved in purchasing a business and making it work. Deal execution is the art of bringing all the moving parts together pre-settlement, and that’s what we’ll be looking at today. Executing aread more

JobMaker Scheme Update & Key Information

February 12th, 2021

As we explored in a recent article, the Government’s JobMaker Scheme aims to incentivise businesses to employ those whose work status has been impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Under the scheme, businesses can claim $200 per week for eligible employees aged 16-29 years; or $100 for those aged 30-35 years. Now that payments areread more

Your New Business Integration Guide

January 14th, 2021

When businesses embark on an acquisition, the sheer amount of moving parts across things like contracts, purchase price, ongoing negotiations and much more means that the well-planned integration of a new business too often falls by the wayside. This is why around two-thirds of integrations fail. The fact is, onboarding a new business along withread more

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