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Business Development

Small Business Market Update

August 6th, 2018

The strength of the small business market in Western Australia appears to be aligned somewhat with the real estate market over the past five years, a trend which is reflected across the country to a certain extent. Nationally, strengthening business conditions should facilitate reasonable selling conditions, while the effects of the Banking Royal Commission hasread more

New to running a business?

July 23rd, 2018

Introduction Getting a business up and running for the first time is one of the most exciting financial ventures one can make, and may give you the financial control and freedom you’ve always wanted. However, it isn’t something that should be taken on lightly. There are a myriad of considerations that must be made whenread more

Franchising – What are your Tax Obligations?

April 30th, 2018

Are you thinking about taking on a franchise? Many Australians become franchisees of large companies to leverage existing brand power and customers, whilst also giving themselves the opportunity to run their own small business. As attractive as this type of business setup might look, it is crucial to understand all the related tax obligations, feesread more

How a Coaching Culture Attracts, Retains and Improves Staff

April 23rd, 2018

With job tenure in Australia averaging 3 years and 4 months across industries, job mobility is higher than it has ever been. The introduction of easy to use job seeking tools, greater access to education and upskilling, and a more flexible employment market has meant that people are somewhat less motivated to remain in theread more

Small Business in 2018

April 9th, 2018

With the first quarter of 2018 behind us, and tax time fast approaching, now is a great time to have a look at how the year has treated small businesses; and what the rest might hold. Renewed volatility in the global market started the year off on shaky ground, however the outlook for small businesses,read more

Embracing Technology in Australian Small Businesses

February 20th, 2018

Australia is fortunate enough to be a part of one of the fastest-growing and innovative economic regions in the world – Asia Pacific. Our neighbours to the north have a vast population of people, forward-thinking ideas and a seemingly innate entrepreneurial spirit that has propelled the likes of China into the league of global more

McKinley Plowman’s Guide to the Notifiable Data Breach Scheme

February 12th, 2018

When you run a business that deals with the personal information of clients or customers, you are expected to maintain the security of that data to ensure it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. Similarly, your clients understandably expect that their sensitive information will be well protected and only accessed by those who are supposedread more

REMINDER – Single Touch Payroll coming soon

February 9th, 2018

Do you employ staff? If so, please read on – there are important changes to payroll processing and reporting just around the corner that may affect you and your business. It’s hard to believe that January has already come and gone! Therefore it’s worth a refresher on Single Touch Payroll (STP) before the April 1stread more

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