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partners for life

Every Detail Counts When Buying Your First Home

In the article attached, you can find out what some of the industry experts say and explain why every single detail is important when buying your first home and that this is what first buyers should remember.

Additional costs should be taken into account, such as furniture, insurance, moving expenses, settlement agent costs and stamp duty, since these costs could put a strain on the first home buyer’s budget.

Developing a plan which makes saving a habit and creating a financial buffer which could be used in times of unforeseen events are a good way to start approaching home ownership as a long-term commitment. Avoiding additional financial responsibilities, like credit cards and car loans, that could stretch your budget is also important when  saving.

Unsure of what to do? Our Director of Finance Broking, Paul Moran, will gladly help you in your property purchase. You may reach him on 9301 220 to arrange an appointment to discuss your financial requirements and a review of your circumstances.

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