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partners for life

Growing Mo’s and Helping the Local Community

Fundraising is a big deal to the Team at McKinley Plowman and we try to get involved and help the local community and national charity foundations raising money with our free dress days.

In 2013 with the help of all staff, a huge amount of money was raised, along with gifts and food to help the Patricia Giles Women’s Refuge in Joondalup.

The Patricia Giles Centre offers safe crisis accommodation and counselling for women and children affected by domestic violence.

McKinley Plowman were able to help the women and children going through tough times  giving generously just in time for Christmas and putting a smile on their faces.

In November we also got involved in the internationally known Movember, which had the men “letting go” their usually clean-shaven faces to help raise funds for men’s health issues.

This year however, the girls got involved too by putting their fake Mo’s on and helping to raise funds for the opposite sex.

Together as a Team and with the help of friends and family a total of just under $600 was raised and we all had a lot of fun doing it and look forward to raising even more this year.

Movember McKinley Plowman_Movember

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