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Why Every Business Should Embrace the Cloud

January 16th, 2019

Cloud technology – we’ve all heard of it by now. From software programs like Dropbox and Google Drive, to critical data backup tools, the business world has embraced off-site storage in the cloud in nearly every function possible. That being said, there is still a large proportion of businesses who are yet to move theirread more

What are your financial resolutions for 2019?

December 20th, 2018

It’s early January – the festive season and New Year’s celebrations are done and dusted. Now is the time of year we’ve all fielded the age-old question: “What are your New Years’ Resolutions?” For some it may be losing weight, getting a better job, hitting a personal milestone or climbing Mt Everest; but we couldread more

Merry Christmas from McKinley Plowman!

December 18th, 2018

Christmas is here at last! As the year draws to a close, the team at McKinley Plowman would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. We’ve been privileged to work with awesome clients again this year; seen our team grow; and learned a lot along the way. 2019 is shaping up to be evenread more

MP+ Newsletter (November-December Edition)

December 11th, 2018

The latest edition of the MP+ Newsletter is here! We're winding down the year with a range of articles to help you improve your business, prepare for retirement, and get the most out of your Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF). Follow the link below to get to the newsletter. more

Small Business Update – Market Snapshot

December 11th, 2018

For those looking to get into small business, gaining an understanding of the state of the market, competition and current areas of concern is important in guiding business decisions, particularly in the early stages. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has recently released some interesting insights into the small business sector, particularly around what small businessesread more

Mortgage Brokers – Keeping Competition Alive

December 3rd, 2018

Have you ever gone straight to one of the Big 4 for finance and realised later down the track that you could have secured a better deal elsewhere? It’s a common narrative, and something that brokers can help people avoid. Brokers help people get the best deal for their clients; put downward pressure on interestread more

Owning a commercial property with your SMSF

November 1st, 2018

Ever thought about investing in property using your super? Transferring commercial property into superannuation is commonplace – and has been for many years – and the benefits of owning property in superannuation can be significant. In order to understand the real-word application of owning property in your super, consider the following example. In this situation,read more

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