partners for life
You may be providing a car parking fringe benefit and not be aware of it!
August 14th, 2017The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has been transparent in its undertaking of numerous fringe benefits tax (FBT) audits in both the small and medium business sector. With the ATO’s sophisticated data matching capabilities, it is easier for them to identify businesses that do not comply with their FBT obligations. One fringe benefits that is oftenread more
Thinking of buying a business? Consider these things first!
August 9th, 2017Many people dream of becoming a business owner as it can be both personally and financially rewarding. There are options to consider regarding the type of business, for example starting from scratch to establish a brand new business or buying an already existing business. When the time comes for you to purchase your business, youread more
Calming your cash flow
August 7th, 2017Does your cash flow swing from a gush to a trickle? In tough times, managing the peaks and troughs of your cash flow can transform your business and your life and it’s not as hard as you think. Business coach Pauline Bright knows the biggest benefit to sorting out your cash flow. "Well, you canread more
Personal income tax rates for Australian residents (2017-2018)
July 11th, 2017There were no changes to personal income tax rates and thresholds in the 2017-2018 Federal Budget. The three (3) year Temporary Budget Repair Levy (TBRL) of 2% for individuals with a taxable income of over $180,000 (announced in the 2014-15 Federal Budget) ceased on 30 June 2017. The table below outlines marginal tax rates applyingread more
How working holiday makers are taxed in Australia
July 10th, 2017If you are planning on becoming a working holiday maker (WHM) in Australia, you need to be aware of how your income is taxed. If you are a working holiday visa holder (subclass 417 and 462) tax is withheld from your pay and you are required to lodge a tax return each year with theread more
Changes to foreign resident capital gains tax withholding regime (FRCGW)
July 7th, 2017Last year, the government introduced new withholding rules for certain property sales. The purpose of the withholding regime is to assist in the collection of capital gains tax (CGT) liabilities of non-residents when they dispose of Australian assets. The May 2017 Federal Budget announced changes extending the FRCGW regime, effective 1 July 2017. The FRCGWread more
Steps to Successfully Selling Your Business
July 6th, 2017article contributed by Ryan Willsher, Finn Franchise Brokers and Reece O’Sullivan, Finn Business Sales Business owners – no matter how knowledgeable they are in terms of running their own business – must be prepared to invest time to properly prepare for the sale of their business when the time comes to exit. Not surprisingly sellingread more
ATO reminds rental property owners on claiming tax
July 5th, 2017The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has issued a timely reminder that it is keeping a close eye on deductions claimed by rental property owners, especially those with properties located in popular holiday destinations. Last year the ATO identified a significant number of errors relating to deductions claimed for rental properties located in holiday regions. Theread more
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