partners for life

5 Steps of Building a Healthy Brand
June 5th, 2017For many business, either a boutique agency or large corporate organisation, branding is a key element for successful growth and business development. However, many companies fall into the trap of confusing the concept of branding with aspects of marketing and business development. At Brand Plus we have established a 5-Step-Plan to assess if your brandread more

2017/2018 Federal Budget
May 10th, 2017Last 9 May 2017, Federal Treasurer, Mr Scott Morrison, handed down the 2017/2018 Federal Budget. Whilst housing affordability is the budget’s centrepiece, there are significant measures affecting both individual taxpayers and businesses. McKinley Plowman is pleased to present the MP+ 2017/2018 Budget Update. This update provides insight on the proposed tax and superannuation changes whichread more

Top 3 effective Estate Planning tips
May 5th, 2017Estate planning isn’t everybody’s favourite topic however, this will guarantee that your loved ones are taken care of in the event of your passing. It can vary from simple to complex, depending on the assets involved or which needs are to be addressed. To protect the wealth that you’ve built for your family, here areread more

Tax planning tips for salary or wage earners and investors
May 3rd, 2017While there are plenty of possibilities for businesses to minimise tax, what can everyone else do to save tax? We recommend that you meet one on one with your MP+ accountant and discuss the opportunities available to your specific circumstances. By legally minimising your tax, the money saved could assist in reducing your home loan,read more

Tax planning tips for businesses
May 3rd, 2017We recently sent our business clients information about our popular tax planning service. Click here for the details. If our tax planning service interests you, please contact us now as time is running out. To assist you further we’ve outlined various strategies to minimise your tax: Consider the timing of income If possible and ifread more

Developments in the City of Joondalup
May 1st, 2017An article was recently published in the WA Business News regarding the City of Joondalup. The article is based on a recent report by Damian Stone of Y-Research and a panel of property experts in which Joondalup is highlighted as a significant presence in the WA market place. While we look after clients from allread more

QROPS Changes and the Contributions Cap
April 25th, 2017Pension transfers may seem more complex than ever following the changes on 8 March 2017. Ideally, you would need financial advisors who will look at all of your benefits in Australia and UK to ensure that you are compliant with the legislations of both countries. Whilst advisors do not have a crystal ball for jobread more

Tax Cuts for Small Businesses for FY 2016-2017
April 24th, 2017As major drivers of Australia’s economic growth and employers of more than 5 million individuals, small businesses are now set to benefit from measures first announced in the May 2016 Federal Budget. Just recently, parliament finally reached an agreement to reduce the corporate tax rate to 27.5% for companies carrying on a business and with anread more
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