partners for life

MPM Finance Can Show You How to Improve Cash Flow and Grow a Business with Invoice/Debtor Finance
May 15th, 2015MPM Finance is showing business owners how competitive invoice/debtor financing can be used to improve cash flow and grow a business. Invoice/Debtor Finance – the facility which enables a business to realise the cash benefit of their sales without having to wait for debtors to pay – provides business owners with many advantages. While removingread more

Important Legislation Changes to UK Pension Transfers
May 14th, 2015If you have recently transferred a UK fund to Australia or are in the process of transferring, there are some important changes to legislation that may affect you. Superannuation funds are now required to amend their underlying rules in order to retain their QROPS status. In the UK, members who are under the ageread more

What’s in it for you? Fast Facts for Small Business re the 2015 Federal Budget
May 13th, 2015The Government is attempting to reconnect with many Australians with the recent Federal Budget with Jobs and Small Business package of $5.5 Billion - 90% of which is tax relief, intended to stimulate small business, jobs and offset the slowdown in mining and resources. Changes that present opportunities for small business include: Accelerated Depreciation –read more

Boardroom Briefing Sundowner – Look After Your People, Look After Your Business
May 7th, 2015The process of recruitment, induction, training and continued development takes both time and money – two critical elements that can impact on your bottom line. Book NOW! Small and medium enterprises feel the strain of competing in national and international markets, and employees are required to continually adapt to change, acquire new skills and performread more

UK Pension Update May 2015
May 5th, 2015New Rules for Public Sector Pensions As at 6th April 2015 the UK Government enacted the Pensions Act 2015 which introduced massive change to UK based pensions, some of which may adversely affect individuals living abroad. The new rules dictate that individuals who have established benefits in a public sector defined benefit pension scheme willread more

McKinley Plowman welcomes Amanda Middleton
April 30th, 2015This month we introduce Amanda Middleton, our Business Services Manager. Amanda's Background Amanda's professional background primarily consists of 7+ years of tax and business services experience in Australia and also 4 years’ experience with the Australian Taxation Office. She is a qualified Chartered Accountant with a Bachelor of Taxation from UNSW. Was born and raisedread more

Smart Super Strategies: Getting Started
April 28th, 2015Superannuation can be one of the most effective ways to build you retirement nest egg. There is a range of strategies you can consider to boost your super savings. Consolidate your super If you've had several jobs since you started working, you may have money in more than one super fund. More than one superread more

Welcome to the Autumn edition of The Count Report
April 22nd, 2015April 2015 In this edition of The Count Report, our feature article 'Rise as the dollar falls', we look at the recent performance of the Australian dollar and what it means to your investments. In 'Teaching kids the secrets of success', we share some tips to help your children and grandchildren become wealthy and more
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