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Franchising Your Business – Everything You Need to Know

February 25th, 2015

Franchising is undoubtedly proving its success by being the largest single sector employer in Australia for the previous year. Its growth is also evident due to the increasing desire of consumers to buy from brands that are familiar and are perceived to provide a dependable and high standard of service. Are you considering franchising yourread more

FBT Rate Increases Coming Soon – Take Action!

January 22nd, 2015

Effective 1 April 2015, Fringe Benefits Tax will increase from 47% to 49%. In order to prevent individuals who earn more than $180,000 from self-sacrificing into fringe benefits to avoid extra tax, the temporary budget repair levy of another 2% has been imposed. In order to entice the best staff, minimise turnover and increase efficiency,read more

Focus on Important not Urgent

January 8th, 2015

With the new year underway, it's a brilliant time to truly focus on what's important and prioritise items to develop a plan of action with a timeline to achieve the target outcomes. This will require you to work each day on those things that are important to your success - whether that's personal, about yourread more

McKinley Plowman Continue to Help Clients with International Matters

December 3rd, 2014

Read the latest Quarterly Newsletter from ANZ MSI Global Alliance Our membership in MSI allows us to provide our clients with cross-border expertise and local knowledge in an increasingly complex global business environment. We can quickly and confidently call upon the local expertise of our trusted and reliable MSI partners for multi-jurisdictional matters, both internationallyread more

UK State Pension Changes for 2016!

November 28th, 2014

Have you ever worked in the UK? This is a question that is more often than not answered with a ‘yes’ for residents of Australia. If you did previously work in the UK and paid National Insurance contributions (an additional tax that was deducted from your wages as an employee) then you are probably dueread more

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