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Unclaimed Lost Shares, Bank Accounts and Life Insurance Hits $1Billion

November 13th, 2014

The Treasury of The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has issued a discussion paper questioning whether existing unclaimed monies laws achieve their intended aims as the currently unclaimed lost shares, bank accounts and life insurance totals around $1bn. What are the current laws?  The period after which an account is be considered inactive wasread more

Important Changes to Managing Activity Statements

October 7th, 2014

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) have implemented important changes to the way they manage the delivery of Activity Statements. If you or your registered agent lodges an activity statement on your behalf through an electronic channel, your next activity statement will be available only in electronic format – the ATO will not send a paperread more

Trading on eBay: The Tax Office Really is Watching You

September 12th, 2014

The Tax Office has been saying for some time that it is closely scrutinising eBay transactions with a view to identifying those Australians who are running an undeclared business through the popular auction site. In the case of Cronan and Commissioner of Taxation, the Commissioner successfully argued before the AAT (Administrative Appeals Tribunal) that a taxpayerread more

Sharemarket – Is there reward for risk?

September 9th, 2014

In recent weeks we have seen a significant increase in volatility, with share markets around the world having significant dips, with the rises being a little less frequent. Is this a cause for concern? We would all prefer not to have them but we must remember why we are invested in shares as an assetread more

MPM Finance, What We Do and How We Can Help You

September 3rd, 2014

What is a Mortgage/Finance Broker? Brokers are now the number one choice for consumers who are seeking a home loan or to refinance their existing loan. Businesses use finance brokers to help them with their finance needs from car and equipment leasing to loans for purchasing a new business, buying business premises or looking toread more

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