partners for life

Recent Changes Shake Up Pensions in the UK
April 2nd, 2014On 19th March 2014 the Chancellor of the Exchequer gave his budget that signaled a raft of changes that will have significant impact on expatriates that have retained pension benefits in the UK. The changes which have been branded the ‘liberalisation of pensions’ came into effect from 27th March 2014 and will provide transitional changesread more

9 foods to boost your brainpower
March 25th, 2014Eating well is not only good for your physical health but your mental as well. The brain requires nutrients just like your heart, lungs or muscles do. But which foods are particularly important to keep your grey matter happy? Here is a list of 9 foods to help boost your brainpower; Wholegrains - 'brown' cereals,read more

Tax Efficient Investment Opportunity with Capital Protection
March 22nd, 2014The MP Financial Planning team have been researching innovative tax efficient investment strategies to build wealth and have identified a unique opportunity with key benefits as follows: Direct Share ownership to access capital growth and dividend income Borrow 100% with loan protection Pre-pay interest and receive a tax deduction this financial year No margin callsread more

Smart End of Year Financial Strategies
March 18th, 2014Pre-Pay Income Protection Premiums and reduce this year's tax If you are employed or self-employed, pre-pay 12 months income protection/salary continuance premiums and bring forward your tax deduction to this financial year. Don’t have Income Protection insurance? At age 40, there is a 48% chance you will have a serious health event ie Death/Disability/Trauma. Weread more

7 Tax Tips for Property Investors
March 14th, 2014Now is the ideal time for you as an Individual to review your investment situation and take the opportunity to minimise your tax obligations. Here is a list of tax tips for property investors; 1. Renovations by previous owner – You may be eligible for a deduction for depreciation on the cost of improvements completedread more

How to Complete a Tender Process Effectively in 7 Basic Steps
March 10th, 2014In today’s competitive environment it is essential that when you are tendering for a project that you optimise your chances of success. Not only do you need to demonstrate your ability to comply with the requirements of the scope of works, which is generally the area where the benefit of your experience and accumulated skillsread more

10 Key Rules to Effectively Forecast for Success – Crystal Ball or Binoculars?
March 5th, 2014Do you know where you want your business to be in 6, 12 or 18 months ? The answer is generally ‘maybe’, ‘yes’, or sometimes even ‘I’d love to know where I want to be in 6 weeks let alone 6 months!’ Deep down we all acknowledge that we should know where we are heading andread more

Prepay Interest and Minimise Tax with Interest in Advance
March 1st, 2014As the end of financial year approaches, investors start to consider their investment and tax strategies. One strategy available is prepaying interest, known as interest in advance. Interest in advance is - fixing the interest rate on an investment loan at a discounted rate for 12 months and paying the interest normally incurred throughout theread more
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