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Quick Turnover Key To Profits

December 23rd, 2010

One of our directors Nigel Plowman was interviewed for this article in The Sunday Times entitled ‘Quick turnover key to profits’. The article looks at how property renovators are achieving profits by being well informed, carefully choosing a property, buying at bargain prices, and then renovating to either sell for profit or hold for higherread more

Flexbility Key Issue

June 16th, 2009

The Sunday Times’ Home Magazine invites McKinley Plowman & Associates’ finance partner Paul Moran to comment on important considerations when deciding on a housing loan. Paul comments that while interest rates are a consideration, it’s essential to consider how flexible a financing facility is. Paul says when deciding on a housing loan, home buyers mustread more

To Invest, or Not To Invest

February 24th, 2009

To invest or not to invest?  McKinley Plowman director Nigel Plowman speaks to the West Australian real estate editor Sandi Lovatt about how astute investors are crunching the numbers and arranging their finances to pick up bargain priced property.  Nigel has shown clients how higher rents and lower interest rates ensure investors can break evenread more

True Cost

January 8th, 2009

What is the true cost of buying that investment property? Don’t buy one until you have crunched the numbers with your accountant.  This is the advice of McKinley Plowman director Nigel Plowman who spoke to the Sunday Times Home Magazine about how to calculate the true cost of a property investment. Read here to seeread more

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