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WA Property Market Update May 2021

June 25th, 2021

The weather here in WA may be cold at present, but the residential property market is still red-hot. Sentiment in the commercial market may be a bit more subdued, but opportunities still abound for investors and businesses in the right situation. In the WA property market update for May 2021, we’ll once again explore theread more

Refinancing your Home Loan in the Current Economy

June 14th, 2021

It goes without saying (though we’ll say it anyway) – savvy homeowners understand the benefits of refinancing their home loan. Unlock equity in your loan to fund a major purchase, reduce your repayments, or reduce your total loan amount to get your mortgage paid off sooner. No matter your reasons for looking into refinancing, theread more

WA Property Market Update April 2021

May 18th, 2021

Another month is already upon us! 2021 is absolutely flying by, and the WA Property Market seems to be going from strength to strength off the back of a positive month of April. Consumer confidence continues to rise, interest rates remain low, and rental properties are still in such short supply that home transactions areread more

WA Property Market Update – March 2021

April 22nd, 2021

By just about every conceivable metric, Australia’s economy appears to be getting back on track. This has been further reinforced by the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) recent upgrade to their assessment of the country’s post-COVID recovery. WA continues to perform well, unemployment is falling, interest rates remain low, the resources sector keeps plugging away, andread more

Property Opportunities in the Booming WA Economy

March 24th, 2021

At long last, things finally appear to be looking up! WA is heading towards a budget surplus, the resources sector is ticking along nicely, the property market is turning its fortunes around, the national unemployment rate is falling, and consumer confidence is on track to return to (and eventually exceed) pre-COVID levels. As such, savvyread more

WA Property Market Update – February 2021

March 11th, 2021

Plenty has been said about 2020 up to this point – and with a year so difficult it’s not hard to see why. As we’ve done plenty of “taking stock” in our last few articles, for the February WA property market update we’ll put a bit more emphasis on looking ahead. As consumer confidence continuesread more

WA Property Market – 2020 in Review

February 2nd, 2021

What a year 2020 was. Last year threw more curveballs and brought forth more global issues than anyone would have expected – but how did the WA property market fare overall? Our previous pieces on the WA property market, looking at various months throughout 2020, painted a picture of uncertainty, adaptability, and perhaps most ofread more

WA Property Market Update – November 2020

November 13th, 2020

While other parts of the country, and indeed the world, continue to get to grips with COVID-19, Western Australia remains relatively untouched and is enjoying the lead up to summer with just about 100% “normality”. So, if our lifestyles are anything to go by, things are looking up – but what’s to be said about theread more

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