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Tax Tips for Employees Who are Always on Work-Related Trips

Travelling for business purposes is very common for employees nowadays. The good news is – travel expenses are deductibles. Make sure that you are doing the right thing on your next work-related travel by following these tips:

  • Keep all your receipts, invoices, and proof of your expenses. A travel journal is handy especially for those who have difficulties in organizing and remembering all of their work-related expenses and meetings.
  • Remember to divide your expenses into personal and business-related.
  • And lastly, keep in mind that you may be able to earn travel expense claims without verification if you acquired an eligible travel allowance.

It is also important to note that long work-related expenses may not be eligible for claims, it is valid only for short period travels. If you are unsure of what to do, seek the advice of one of our tax professional. Contact us at (08) 9301 2200.

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