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Director’s Responsibilities and Implications for PAYG and SGC

November 25th, 2013

Are you a company Director? If so, are you aware of your PAYGW and SGC obligations? There are potentially harsh consequences for Directors failing to lodge Corporate PAYGW returns (i.e. BAS/IAS) and SGC statements on time. As a Director, if you fail to lodge those returns within 3 months of the required lodgement date youread more

Are you an employee or contractor?

October 15th, 2013

The ATO has recently put together some tools and comprehensive information to assist businesses and individuals to work out whether they are an ‘employee’ or ‘contractor’. Links to the tools and information are below. Employee or Contractor If you are unsure about whether you are an employee or contractor, or whether you could be aread more

We Have a New Government – What does it mean for you and your business?

October 15th, 2013

As a result of the recent Federal Election, the Coalition is now in power. What are their main tax proposals and what impact might they have on you and your business?  Following is a summary of their foremost proposals. Personal Tax  abolish the Schoolkids Bonus introduce a paid parental leave scheme from 1 July 2015read more

Quick Tax Tips

June 21st, 2013

With the end of financial year fast approaching, here are some quick tips to help you save time and get more cash into your bank account. 1. Working from home - If you work from home, make sure you keep a diary of your internet usage and the hours you spend working. 2. Donations to aread more

End of Year Tax Planning Checklist

June 21st, 2013

Small Business Entity Rules Small Business Entities - the small business entity rules apply to a sole trader, partnership, company or trust which has a group turnover of less than $2M in the previous year, or likely to be less than $2M in the current year. Depreciation Rules - if the asset costs less than $6,500 itread more

Individuals – A Quick Checklist of Changes

June 21st, 2013

PERSONAL TAX OFFSETS The ATO have made major changes to the tax offsets available to individuals. If you have previously taken advantage of the following, you may have an increased tax liability for 2012/2013. Net Medical Expenses Tax Offset: For adjusted taxable incomes in excess of $84,000 (singles) or $168,000 (couples and families) the offsetread more

Do you operate a Trust? – 30 June Urgent Deadline

June 21st, 2013

Trust Resolution Instruction Forms were sent to all applicable clients in April 2013. It is critical that these forms be completed and returned to the office before 30th June, 2013. Please note that this requirement to complete the Trustee Resolution has been a strong focal point of the ATO. If you require any assistance orread more

Businesses – A Quick Checklist of Changes

June 9th, 2013

With the end of the financial year approaching, it is time to update you on some of the changes that are taking place. Particular attention should be paid to the Building and Construction Industry. TAXABLE PAYMENTS ANNUAL REPORTING – Building and Construction Industry From 1 July 2012, businesses in the building and construction industry needread more

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