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Personal income tax rates for Australian residents (2018-2019)

August 2nd, 2018

There were some changes to personal income tax rates and thresholds in the 2018-2019 Federal Budget compared to 2017-2018. Notably, the old $87,000 tax threshold has been increased to $90,000; while the amount of tax on incomes for the highest two brackets have changed slightly. See the personal income tax rate tables below. [table id=4read more

Payment Summary Changes under STP

July 19th, 2018

As we’ve covered a few times over the past year, Single Touch Payroll (STP) is well and truly upon us. For employers with 20 or more employees as at 1 April 2018, STP must be implemented; while employers with 19 or fewer employees at 1 April 2018 can opt in at any time between nowread more

McKinley Plowman’s Top Tax Time Tips

July 3rd, 2018

Tax time is upon us! While this isn’t necessarily a time of year most people get excited about, something that motivates most people is a potential tax refund. Even in situations where you might not be eligible for a refund, legally reducing your taxable income to minimise your tax liability is always a bonus. Nowread more

Super Guarantee Amnesty – What does it mean for your business?

June 18th, 2018

Do you think you may have outstanding Superannuation contributions owing on behalf of your employees? If so, read on – you may well have a chance to rectify the issues whilst avoiding late payment penalties. What are the details? The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has estimated that $2.85 billion is currently owed in late orread more

Claiming Work-Related Car Expenses

May 14th, 2018

Have you ever claimed work-related car expenses? The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is increasingly concerned about taxpayers making false claims, whether inadvertent or deliberate, and will be focusing on it closely. According to the ATO, around 3.5 million made work-related car expense claims last year, totalling around $8.8 billion. As this is such a highread more

Franchising – What are your Tax Obligations?

April 30th, 2018

Are you thinking about taking on a franchise? Many Australians become franchisees of large companies to leverage existing brand power and customers, whilst also giving themselves the opportunity to run their own small business. As attractive as this type of business setup might look, it is crucial to understand all the related tax obligations, feesread more

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