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partners for life

Think you may be paying too much on your loans and want to save money?

Business Owners – Don’t let the banks dictate rates or terms to you.

McKinley Plowman can help you, utilising our Competitive Tendering Process.

Our Finance Specialists Paul Moran & Paul Tate have over 30 years experience in the finance industry, with Paul Moran working for one of the major banks as  a Business Relationship Manager. They are happy to review your current loan facilities, re-structure them in need, talk to your own Bank to look at reducing your rates or put your Business out for tender to see who will offer the best overall package (Rates & Fees) as the Bank’s bid for your business.

Did you know there are Bank’s who will not charge a rate premium for business loans, but offer Home Loan rates even if there is a Company/Trust structure involved? Provided residential security is involved.

Did you know there is Bank who will not charge a margin for Commercial security with No application fee and No on going monthly fees for business loans?

The Bank’s are keen to attract good business clients and have some great offers to attract new business. You won’t know unless you let us review your position.

Recent wins include:-

Sports complex – $55k saving over 3 yrs, refinance

Drilling Business – $30k saving over 1 yr, client stayed with existing Bank

Doctor – $28k saving over 1 yr, client stayed with existing Bank

Aged Care Provider – $12k saving over 1 yr, refinance

Please call us on (08) 9301 2200 to book a time to review your current financial position.

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