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Wealth Creation

Borrowing to Purchase Property in your SMSF

October 15th, 2013

Property investing through your self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) can be a great way to create wealth for your retirement. By investing in property, you can diversify your super investments. And any income from the investment property, including capital gains, will be taxed at concessional rates, so you should end up saving money in the longread more

Dollar Cost Averaging

June 21st, 2013

What is dollar cost averaging and how does it work? Dollar cost averaging refers to a process where an investor allocates set amounts to specific investments at regular intervals. This will often be undertaken intentionally, by investing a lump sum of money in smaller amounts over a period of time. Clients may also unintentionally participateread more

Avoid the Underinsurance Trend

June 21st, 2013

The day you’ve been waiting for has arrived. Your brand new car is ready to take home. The first thing you do before driving it out of the lot is ensure you have insurance. There’s no way you’ll risk anything happening to your brand new car! This is a common scenario. Most of us don’tread more

Is your bank doing the right thing and looking after you?

March 28th, 2013

Do you know you could save $$$ thousands on interest ?? Some banks want your business and are willing to discount rates and/or pay for switching costs to get it. MPM Finance Our finance division offers a comprehensive finance consultancy to business owners, Investors and Individuals. For example, we can initiate competitive tendering processes toread more

Changes to the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) Regime

March 28th, 2013

From 1 July 2013 the SG rate will gradually increase each financial year until it reaches 12% in 2019.  The first increment applies from 1 July 2013 when the SG rate increase from 9% to 9.25%. If you are an employer, we suggest you update your payroll and accounting systems to apply the appropriate increase toread more

Boardroom Briefing

March 28th, 2013

This Boardroom Briefing will focus on buying property through a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) When is the next Boardroom Briefing Topic Venue Date & Time Property in SMSF A focus on SMSFs andthe ability to borrow and buy property McKinley PlowmanLevel 2, 5 Davidson Tce,Joondalup WA 6027 Tuesday 7 May 2013Arrive at 10:45am for 11am StartConcludesread more

Stick To Long-Term Investment Strategies

October 25th, 2012

It is understandable that many investors are becoming disillusioned about investing in the share market. Particularly for those who have been investing over the last 5 years, it feels like one disappointment after another with returns continuing to disappoint. Even the most hardened investors could be forgiven for starting to question whether “investing for theread more

SMSF Trustees Must Consider Personal Insurance

October 25th, 2012

The government has now passed legislation that requires trustees of SMSF to consider whether insurance is required for the members of the fund as part of the investment strategy of the fund. The government's explanatory statement says that this change “will ensure that members consider their personal circumstances in regards to their need for insurance coverread more

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