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Wealth Creation

Reverse Mortgage – Your Key to a More Comfortable Retirement?

May 26th, 2022

For many Australians, the motivation to work hard and accumulate wealth is to eventually transition to a comfortable retirement. Research indicates that Australian Seniors are ranked number 1 in the world in terms of per capita net worth, however 35% are living below the poverty line. In fact, that same population group are second-worst amongstread more

Preparing for Retirement – Financially and Beyond

March 25th, 2022

As we get a little older and start preparing for retirement - the exact picture we have in our head about what retirement looks like will differ from person to person. It might be travelling the world, spending time volunteering, or pursuing projects that are too time-consuming to tackle while you’re working. Regardless of howread more

Bonds – Diversifying your Investment Portfolio

January 28th, 2022

Diversity – no matter the size and scale of a portfolio or an investor’s level of experience, diversity in an investment portfolio is often the key to managing risk and long-term success in creating wealth. In the face of a global pandemic, share markets present volatility and uncertainty, not something investors typically look for. Forread more

Received a Large Windfall of Cash? Here’s What to Do Next

December 10th, 2021

If you’ve been paying attention to the news in WA recently, you’ll likely have come across the story of 55 members of a lottery syndicate who scored themselves around $1.4 million each. It’s a story that has brought some welcome good news to the headlines, and especially in the leadup to Christmas we suspect itread more

The Value of Professional Financial Advice in Avoiding Scams – A Case Study

December 3rd, 2021

We all know by now that getting professional advice from a registered, trusted financial adviser is the best way to ensure your wealth creation strategies are best suited to your needs, goals and circumstances. What is also well-known is the prevalence of scams that aim to swindle people out of their hard-earned money - andread more

Embracing Holistic Personal Future Planning

October 6th, 2021

For better or for worse, people tend to focus on their financial position and material goods when planning for their future – “I want to have $x in the bank by the time I’m 45”; “I want three investment properties on the go before I retire”; “If I’m not earning six-figures in the next fiveread more

Making Good Financial Decisions at a Young Age

September 10th, 2021

Our society's youth - rarely does the mention of this demographic spark visions of careful financial management and wise decision-making. But why not? There is no reason people can't begin to lay the foundations for a viable wealth creation strategy from a young age, and education and planning and good financial decisions are the more

Investment Review 2020-21

August 6th, 2021

The volatility of the global economy around the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic left many investors concerned about their investments. As we review the financial year that was, we’re seeing a strong return to form in investment markets, after an initial plunge in March 2020. A stimulatory approach from governments around the world, and particularlyread more

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