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Wealth Creation

Welcome to the Summer edition of The Count Report

November 21st, 2016

This edition of The Count Report, ‘Make Today Count’ looks at your financial strategy. While it should be something you invest in for the long term, we suggest some small things you can do each day to help you achieve your goals sooner. We also look at recently proposed changes to super and tax rules andread more

The US Presidential Election Results and Global Financial Markets

November 11th, 2016

On Tuesday, 8 November 2016 (9 November in Australia), Republican Party candidate Donald Trump was elected America’s 45th president. This was a surprising result to many as the polls leading up to the election were predicting a Democratic Party (Hillary Clinton) victory. You may have read that the result is affecting global markets, and youread more

Are you able to claim tax deductions for insurance premiums?

September 28th, 2016

Generally speaking, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) allows deductions for insurance premiums when there is evidence that the insurance cover relates to earning assessable income. One example of the kind of cover that may be tax deductible is income protection insurance. The ATO has allowed such claims in certain circumstances, even though the insurance policyread more

Super Changes: Proposed $500,000 Lifetime Cap Axed

September 26th, 2016

The 2016-17 Federal Budget included various proposed amendments to superannuation. One of the most contentious reforms was a proposed lifetime cap of $500,000 on non-concessional contributions. Following extensive consultation, the government recently announced new developments to the proposed reforms, including the $500,000 lifetime cap which is to be scrapped. The non-concessional contributions cap will nowread more

Welcome to the 2016 Spring Edition of The Count Report

September 6th, 2016

This latest edition of The Count Report, we feature ‘Don’t wait for life to happen’ that looks at how having a good financial plan in place means you’ll be better prepared for major life events when they arise in addition to being well positioned for a rewarding financial future. ‘You’ve lost that loving feeling’ looksread more

Time Running Out to Get on Board SuperStream

June 6th, 2016

A reminder to employers about SuperStream! Time is running out to make sure you are SuperStream ready. Small employers (19 or fewer employees) must meet the SuperStream standard by 30 June 2016. (Larger employers should have been using SuperStream since 31 October 2015). What is SuperStream? Under SuperStream, you need to pay super contributions forread more

Proposed Changes to Superannuation in the 2016 Federal Budget

May 26th, 2016

The government’s delivery of the Federal Budget last 3 May 2016 caused what others refer to as “the biggest shake-up in superannuation since the Howard/Costello changes of the 2006 Budget.” Among the key super reforms that were proposed were: The revision of non-concessional (after-tax) super contributions  to a $500,000 lifetime cap from the $180,000 annualread more

Choosing a Financial Planner to Secure Your Future

May 23rd, 2016

Whether you’re planning to achieve a financial goal, wanting to invest, or securing your retirement, partnering with a financial planner is a certain way to help you attain these goals. Before looking into how you choose a financial planner, you must fully understand what financial planners do and how they can help you. If you’reread more

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