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Posts Tagged ‘accounting’
Important Payroll & Superannuation Updates
June 28th, 2022As we wave goodbye to another Financial Year, it is important that you are aware of the important updates to payroll and superannuation that took effect from 1 July 2022. In this article, we’ll look at the changes and what you may need to be prepared for now that they are in force. Superannuation Guarantee One ofread more
SMEs and WA’s Eased COVID Restrictions
April 28th, 2022On Tuesday 26 April, the State Government announced that as of 12.01am Friday 29 April, prevailing COVID restrictions will be eased, thanks to WA’s ‘soft landing’ off the back of our Omicron peak confirmed by public health data. This is undoubtedly great news for West Australians – it means that we have come through thisread more
Starting Your New Business – 10 Critical Steps
April 14th, 2022So, you’ve decided that the 9 to 5 grind just isn’t for you, and being your own boss is a dream you want to achieve. You take something you love doing or are really good at, and decide that your business will revolve around that. That’s all you need to start, right? Unfortunately, things areread more
Section 100A – How the ATO’s Crackdown on Family Trusts Might Impact You
March 30th, 2022For years, many Australians, particularly those operating businesses, have used family trust structures as a wealth creation vehicle. The ATO has previously put trust distributions and their tax treatment under the microscope but have now refocused their attention to Section 100A ‘Reimbursement Agreements’. This could significantly impact on the overall tax position of any familyread more
WA Business Assistance Packages
March 3rd, 2022WA State border controls have finally come to an end, allowing interstate and international travellers to enter Western Australia once again. As the state battles the Omicron outbreak, the McGowan government has introduced a comprehensive Level 2 WA Business Assistance Package to support businesses impacted by the latest public health and social measures, following theread more
Growing Your Business – Five Key Focus Areas
February 11th, 2022For the vast majority of business owners, the goal for the first few years is to achieve stability – predictable cashflow, a steady stream of customers and new business, and certainty around the future of the business. Once things have stabilised, some take a breather and rest on their laurels. Others look to take activeread more
WA Small Business – Living With COVID
February 9th, 2022Since the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic over two years ago, the adaptability of Small and Medium businesses has proven to be one of the key contributing factors to whether they survive or close their doors. Throughout this period, different parts of Australia have had vastly different experiences. For instance, businesses in Melbourne have seenread more
Update – ATO Electronic Correspondence and Communication Preferences
November 19th, 2021You may have caught our article a few months ago regarding the moves the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is making in shifting their correspondence to business owners from paper-based “snail mail” to electronic formats. As the roll-out and wider adoption of these changes continues, we are seeing a few instances where information isn’t reaching theread more
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