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Posts Tagged ‘articles’

Business Advertising – Taking a Considered Approach

August 16th, 2023

You want to generate leads and brand awareness for your business through advertising, but like so many other time-poor business owners, you just don’t know where to start. Like a lot of things in business, a considered and practical approach is the best way to push through the initial planning phase and develop a solidread more

Protecting Intellectual Property in Your Business

July 18th, 2023

Operating a business will typically see business owners and managers get wrapped up in day-to-day operations. As time goes on, the success of a business relates directly to the growth and development of those involved in management and operations – but how often do we reflect on it? How do we place a value onread more

How Much Income do I Need to Retire?

July 5th, 2023

Many Australians have a clear picture of the lifestyle they want to enjoy when they retire, but perhaps less is understood about the level of income required to achieve it. Whether you envision buying a brand-new caravan to set off around the country, construct a workshop out the back of your home to focus onread more

WA Property Market Update June 2023

June 30th, 2023

The cold weather is upon us here in WA, and the property market certainly hasn’t bucked the trend by warming up. The RBA’s interest rate rises in May and June caught quite a few off-guard, especially as even many of the most conservative commentators predicted at least a minor reprieve. The knock-on impact of thisread more

Commonwealth 25 Per Cent COVID Top-Up Payments

June 22nd, 2023

Did your business receive payments through a COVID-19 Business Support Program? Depending upon which grant you received, your business may now be eligible for a 25 per cent top-up payment. Claims for the COVID-19 top-up payments will be open until the end of 30 June 2023 – given this short turnaround time it is criticalread more

Understanding Near-Prime and Non-Conforming Specialist Loans

June 14th, 2023

If you’ve ever applied for a loan, particularly a mortgage, you’ll be aware of the hoops you’re required to jump through to get a loan approved by a lender, even if you decide to go with a broker. There are documents to provide, budgets to complete, and often a significant deposit to put down. Theread more

Forecasting for Business Growth

June 9th, 2023

In the business world, knowledge is a powerful asset. While we can't rely on a crystal ball for predictions, it is undeniably important to forecast the financial performance of your business. In fact, forecasting should be an integral part of your operational strategy. Successful business owners recognise the value of historical data, strategic planning, andread more

Family Office – Growing & Protecting Significant Wealth

May 31st, 2023

In our article and newsletter content here at McKinley Plowman, we often touch on the importance of managing one’s finances effectively. This typically involves getting the basics right – setting a budget, making well-informed financial decisions, engaging with an adviser, and so on. While these are relevant for just about everyone, there are additional layersread more

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