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Posts Tagged ‘brand plus’

Customer Service – From Good to Great

September 1st, 2022

No matter what business you're in, what stage of business you're at, or what industry you compete in, great customer service is non-negotiable. When the market is ever-changing, and competition is only getting tougher, excellent customer service can be a critical source of sustainable competitive advantage. There are a number of factors which lead toread more

Is it Time for a Brand Refresh?

May 6th, 2022

Throughout the journey of owning and operating a business, things change all the time. Customers come and go, demand for what your business provides can fluctuate, or more recently a global pandemic can force significant changes to how businesses operate. What tends not to change so often is a business’ brand. A brand refresh canread more

Re-Engaging Inactive Customers for Your Business

February 25th, 2022

“It costs 5x as much to attract a new customer than it does to keep an existing one” – you’ve probably heard something along these lines when it comes to customer retention. While that figure varies in different industries and businesses, it does highlight the importance of giving your existing customers a great experience andread more

Effective Festive Season Marketing for Your Business

December 15th, 2021

The festive season is a time where everyone, including your customer base, is bombarded with information and deadlines. There are gifts to be bought, family events to organise, the kids are finishing up school for the year, and it’s all happening at once. As a result, it can be challenging to cut through the noiseread more

Rethinking your Small Business Marketing Mix

September 17th, 2021

Much is made these days about the digital nature of marketing your small business – an amazing website, being found online with good SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and allocating a portion of your marketing spend to Google Ads. While these are all valid ways to grow your small business, many business owners tend to overlookread more

Developing a Small Business Marketing Budget

December 18th, 2020

Developing a marketing strategy for a business involves a lot of moving parts. You must have established goals (that are, or course, SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable; Realistic; Time-Bound); a reasonable understanding of the different types of marketing activities that businesses can undertake; and perhaps most valuable of all – you have to have the timeread more

Increasing Efficiency for your Small Business Marketing

October 31st, 2019

“I want to step up my marketing, but I don’t have time”. Sound familiar? So many business owners, particularly small business owners, understand the need for marketing and they know the value it brings, but simply don’t have enough hours in the day to get stuck into it. Creating content, designing posts, writing content, posting,read more

Published Content and Branding: Make the Most of Your Expertise

May 3rd, 2019

Engage clients and bringing in new business leads - savvy business owners have understood for some time that positive branding and strong online presence is necessary for growing their customer base. Increasing these opportunities often leads business owners down the well-trodden paths of traditional marketing tools such as TV and radio advertising, and more recently,read more

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