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Posts Tagged ‘business development’

Protecting Intellectual Property in Your Business

July 18th, 2023

Operating a business will typically see business owners and managers get wrapped up in day-to-day operations. As time goes on, the success of a business relates directly to the growth and development of those involved in management and operations – but how often do we reflect on it? How do we place a value onread more

Commonwealth 25 Per Cent COVID Top-Up Payments

June 22nd, 2023

Did your business receive payments through a COVID-19 Business Support Program? Depending upon which grant you received, your business may now be eligible for a 25 per cent top-up payment. Claims for the COVID-19 top-up payments will be open until the end of 30 June 2023 – given this short turnaround time it is criticalread more

The Benefits of Tax Planning for Your Bottom Line

March 29th, 2023

Tax Planning season is here! With 30 June fast approaching, now is the time to consider tax planning for your business. They say that if you fail to prepare, prepare to fail – or in this case, prepare to potentially deal with a hefty tax bill and disrupted cash flow! Getting a clear picture ofread more

Cyclone Ellie Flood Recovery Assistance Programs

March 16th, 2023

When natural disasters wreak havoc on the natural landscape, particularly where cyclones and other extreme weather events are concerned, the immediate visual impact can be striking. Buildings without roofs, flooded homes and locals kayaking down the main street are typically what we associate with the aftermath of these events. What is sometimes forgotten, though, areread more

A Fine Line Between Pleasure and Pain – Addressing Small Business Challenges

February 8th, 2023

In the current economy, there are numerous challenges confronting Australian small businesses. We hear so often from our clients around the day-to-day challenges they face whilst trying to remain profitable and continue to enjoy what they do. Businesses in all manner of industries from medical to mining, hospitality to construction, and everything in between, areread more

WA Small Business Market Outlook 2023

February 2nd, 2023

Are you thinking about selling or buying a business this year? If so, read on – there may be some great opportunities for you in the WA Small Business Market in 2023. The COVID-19 pandemic had far-reaching consequences across the business sector, starting with many businesses closing their doors permanently as a result of lockdowns,read more

Content Marketing Strategy Development for Your Business

January 20th, 2023

"Content is King" - and it has become a critical consideration for any business' marketing strategy. From blogs to videos, brand partnerships to influencer marketing, there is such a diverse range of content that businesses can leverage to promote their brand, products and services. The trick, however, is developing a thoughtful and effective strategy thatread more

Finding Peak Performance in a Leadership Role

December 20th, 2022

When placed into a leadership role, so many professionals spend countless hours developing their teams, looking to get the best out of them individually and collectively, and guide them to reach their ‘peak performance’. Where they often fall down, though, is in their own development. By failing to invest time in extending their own abilities,read more

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