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Posts Tagged ‘business’

Exploring the Government’s COVID-19 Stimulus Package

March 13th, 2020

Are you concerned about the effect Coronavirus (COVID-19) might have on your business? The Federal Government has announced plans to release a stimulus package, to the tune of tens of billions of dollars, with a view to reduce the impact on businesses and the broader economy. Small businesses with apprentices, and businesses who have, orread more

Trainees and New Payroll Tax Legislation Amendments – How is your Business Affected?

August 27th, 2019

Does your business employ trainees? If so, be aware that the payroll tax exemption for trainee wages has now been removed. As payroll tax is self-assessed, the onus is on you as an employer to ensure the information you provide to the government is correct, and that you comply with your tax obligations. The Departmentread more

5 End of Financial Year Resolutions for your Small Business

June 27th, 2019

Getting your personal finances in order at the start of the new financial year is nothing new – we even looked at that in a recent article! But what about those of us in business? Whether your 2018/19 financial year was one of your best or one of your toughest, there’s always room for more

Running a business? It’s okay not to be great at everything…

June 11th, 2019

Starting and running your own business is exciting, challenging and, at times, incredibly busy. Best of all though, it can be one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do. A common reason for setting up a business is because a person knows that they’re really good at something, and wants the potential flexibility andread more

Amazon Australia’s Pioneer Sellers

April 18th, 2019

Ever thought about selling on Amazon? While it may seem a daunting prospect, MP+ is starting to see success stories come through from clients who have made the leap. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with these clients in setting up their business structures, and planning their tax strategies to make the most of their new venturesread more

Single Touch Payroll – How to get your Small Business Ready

March 8th, 2019

Now that Parliament has passed legislation to extend the operation of Single Touch Payroll (STP), making it mandatory for all businesses (including micro employers, 1-4 employees) from 1 July 2019, there is no longer any doubt that every Australian business needs to be ready. From your accounting software to organising your employees’ information, there areread more

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