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Posts Tagged ‘coronavirus’

WA Property Market Update January 2022

January 21st, 2022

Welcome back! Our WA property market updates are back for the new year, and we’re kicking it off with a look at how housing values ended 2021, what the residential market looks like for the coming year, and what we saw in the office market based on towards the end of last year. Although theread more

WA Property Market Update November 2021

December 21st, 2021

After a year of very different fortunes for the commercial and residential property markets in WA, our November update will look at each market and revisit the facts and figures that shaped the trends we saw throughout the year. Overall, the signs are still good for further economic growth in the New Year, although theread more

WA Property Market Update – August 2021

September 15th, 2021

Spring has sprung! The weather is starting to heat up, perhaps trying to reach the scorching heights of the WA property market, particularly in the residential sector. Despite slightly more subdued conditions for office and commercial real estate assets in 2021, the update through August on the prospects for the broader property market in theread more

Small Business Lockdown Assistance Grants – A Quick Guide

July 23rd, 2021

Lockdowns and restrictions brought in as a result of COVID-19 outbreaks have had a significant impact on small businesses, their owners, and their staff. In an attempt to ease some of the financial hardship caused by the most recent WA lockdown and interim restrictions (12.01am Tuesday 29 June 2021 – 12.01am Tuesday 6 July 2021),read more

Casual Employee Conversion – The Details

April 29th, 2021

Casual employment serves many purposes within a workplace. For employees, it’s a good chance to work for a higher hourly rate (casual loading) and potentially work for a variety of employers concurrently. For employers, upshots include the fact that there is no requirement to accrue leave entitlements for casual employees, and that such employees canread more

WA Property Market – 2020 in Review

February 2nd, 2021

What a year 2020 was. Last year threw more curveballs and brought forth more global issues than anyone would have expected – but how did the WA property market fare overall? Our previous pieces on the WA property market, looking at various months throughout 2020, painted a picture of uncertainty, adaptability, and perhaps most ofread more

WA Property Market Update – November 2020

November 13th, 2020

While other parts of the country, and indeed the world, continue to get to grips with COVID-19, Western Australia remains relatively untouched and is enjoying the lead up to summer with just about 100% “normality”. So, if our lifestyles are anything to go by, things are looking up – but what’s to be said about theread more

Update: Coronavirus SME Loan Guarantee Scheme 2.0

October 13th, 2020

Forming part of the Government’s Coronavirus stimulus package measures, the SME Loan Guarantee scheme was introduced to provide working capital support to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with an annual turnover of less than $50 million. Since its initial phase, the Government has announced changes to the scheme to broaden its reach and provide moreread more

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