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Posts Tagged ‘employees’

Annual Wage Review – Final Stage

November 3rd, 2021

Earlier this year, we covered the 2.5% increase to the national minimum wage and all award wages (see the article here). The changes have been rolled out in three stages, and we’re already at the third! The increases announced as a result of the Annual Wage Review first came into effect on 1 July, withread more

Superannuation Guarantee Amnesty – Deadline Coming Soon!

August 25th, 2020

Given everything that’s happened in 2020, you’ll be forgiven for forgetting a couple of things here and there.  One thing you won’t want to miss, especially if you have outstanding Superannuation Guarantee (SG) obligations, is the ATO’s Amnesty, which ends on the 7th September 2020. Superannuation Guarantee Amnesty: The Details The SG Amnesty has featuredread more

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